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AWD-LSTM and ULMFiT Toolkit

Note: This is a work in progress!

This repository contains partial (so far) reproductions of the following papers:

Code in this repository allows you to:

  1. Train AWD-LSTM language models;
  2. Finetune language models on other datasets; and
  3. Finetune language models for text classification (ULMFiT)

In addition, you can use the layers written in for your own work. Details are provided below.

This repository is a work in progress and so not all techniques have been added. Please see the To-do section below to see what has not been added yet. Below is also a tracker on the current reproduced scores compared to the papers' original scores.

Current Results

  • AWD-LSTM on WikiText-2 - Current Test PPL: 74.2074 / Target Test PPL: 65.8 / Difference: 8.4074
  • ULMFiT on iMDB - Current Accuracy: 92.11% / Target Accuracy: 95.4% / Difference: 3.29


Libraries you need:

  • PyTorch - At least v.1.0.0
  • Transformers - The learning rate scheduler we use comes from there
  • spacy - We use spacy tokenizers for ULMFiT
  • numpy and pandas - For random numbers and data manipulation
  • tqdm - Progress bars to keep our sanity intact :)

Hardware you need:

  • A GPU with at least 11 GB - All the results in this repository have been produced on machines with NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti and servers with NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs. A lot of the models when training do take about 10 GB of memory. You could get away with a smaller and slower GPU but do note that this affects your speed and performance.

Using the Training Scripts for Language Modeling

The scripts can be used for language modeling, following the ideas proposed in Merity et al. (2017). Here are a few examples on WikiText-2:

Train an AWD-LSTM using SGD with variable BPTT lengths (Valid PPL: 77.8227 / Test PPL: 74.2074)

python awd-lstm/ --path=data/wikitext-2 --train=wiki.train.tokens --valid=wiki.valid.tokens --test=wiki.test.tokens --output=pretrained_wt2 --bs=80 --bptt=80 --epochs=150 --use_var_bptt --tie_weights --save_vocab --vocab_file=vocab.pth --gpu=0

Train an AWD-LSTM using Adam+LinearWarmup with variable BPTT lengths (Valid PPL: 85.3083 / Test PPL: 80.9872)

python awd-lstm/ --path=data/wikitext-2 --train=wiki.train.tokens --valid=wiki.valid.tokens --test=wiki.test.tokens --output=pretrained_wt2 --bs=80 --bptt=80 --epochs=150 --use_var_bptt --tie_weights --optimizer=adam --lr=3e-4 --warmup_pct=0.1 --save_vocab --vocab_file=vocab.pth --gpu=0

Alternatively, you can test language modeling by training a simple LSTM baseline. Here is an example:

Train a basic LSTM using SGD without variable BPTT lengths (Valid PPL: 101.1345 / Test PPL: 95.7615)

python awd-lstm/ --path=data/wikitext-2 --train=wiki.train.tokens --valid=wiki.valid.tokens --test=wiki.test.tokens --output=basic_wt2 --bs=80 --bptt=80 --epochs=100 --tie_weights --encoder=lstm --decoder=linear --lr=20 --save_vocab --vocab_file=vocab.pth --gpu=0

This is also how language model pretraining works. Be sure to use the --save_vocab argument to save your vocabularies.


You can use your pretrained models to generate text. Here is an example:

python awd-lstm/ --path data/wikitext-2 --tie_weights --vocab_file=vocab.pth --pretrained_file=pretrained_wt103.pth --temp=0.7 --nwords=100

Finetuning Language Models

To finetune on a dataset, you'll need the saved vocabulary file and the pretrained weights. For text datasets, you will need to preprocess them such that each sample is separated by a blank line (the code replaces this with an <eos> token) and each sample has been pre-tokenized (the code should only need to do .split() to produce tokens).

Here's an example finetuning the iMDB dataset on a pretrained model trained using WikiText-103. We first freeze the model and finetune only the last layer:

python awd-lstm/ --path=data --train=imdb/lm_data/train.txt --valid=imdb/lm_data/valid.txt --test=imdb/lm_data/test.txt --output=imdb/lm_data/imdb_finetuned_part --bs=70 --bptt=70 --epochs=10 --tie_weights --load_vocab --vocab_file=pretrained_wt103/vocab.pth --use_pretrained --pretrained_file=pretrained_wt103/pretrained_wt103.pth --freeze_encoder --optimizer=adam --no_lr_scaling --lr=1e-2 --gpu=0

Then we take that and finetune it for 10 full epochs unfrozen.

python awd-lstm/ --path=data --train=imdb/lm_data/train.txt --valid=imdb/lm_data/valid.txt --test=imdb/lm_data/test.txt --output=imdb/lm_data/imdb_finetuned_full --bs=70 --bptt=70 --epochs=10 --tie_weights --load_vocab --vocab_file=pretrained_wt103/vocab.pth --use_pretrained --pretrained_file=imdb/lm_data/imdb_finetuned_part.pth --optimizer=adam --lr=1e-3 --gpu=0

If you need an example for how to preprocess data, I provide a version of the iMDB Sentiments dataset here. The .csv files are for classification and the .txt files are for language model finetuning.

I cannot, at the moment, provide my own pretrained WikiText-103 models. For the results involving pretrained models, I adapted the pretrained weights provided by FastAI for now (compatible checkpoint here). More details are in the To-do section below.

ULMFiT / Finetuning Classifiers

To finetune a classifier, make sure you have a finetuned language model at hand. Load the ULMFiT.ipynb notebook and follow the instructions there.

Using Layers

The file provides some layers you can use outside of this project.

Included so far are:

  • Two encoder layers - AWDLSTMEncoder and LSTMEncoder
  • Two language modeling decoder layers - DropoutLinearDecoder and LinearDecoder
  • One classification decoder layer - ConcatPoolingDecoder

For language modeling, a RNNModel wrapper is provided. Pass in an encoder and a decoder and you're good to go. For example:

encoder = AWDLSTMEncoder(vocab_sz=vocab_sz, emb_dim=400, hidden_dim=1152, num_layers=3, tie_weights=True)
decoder = DropoutLinearDecoder(hidden_dim=400, vocab_sz=vocab_sz) # Using 400 since we're tying weights
model = RNNModel(encoder, decoder, tie_weights=True).to(device)

# Your code here

The encoders in the API are written as standalone and independent - they can ouput any number of parameters. The decoders in the API are written to be able to handle any number of parameters given to them. This allows the RNNModel to act like a wrapper - you can mix and match encoders and decoders. Please refer to for more information

Classification is very similar, using the RNNClassifier wrapper. For example:

encoder = AWDLSTMEncoder(vocab_sz=vocab_sz, emb_dim=400, hidden_dim=1152, num_layers=3)
decoder = ConcatPoolingDecoder(hidden_dim=400, bneck_dim=50, out_dim=2)
model = RNNClassifier(encoder, decoder).to(device)

# Your code here

The RNNClassifier wrapper also has class functions for freezing and unfreezing layers (for ULMFiT). For now, it's only tested to work without errors with the AWDLSTMEncoder, since it was designed for it.

The encoders and decoders can also be used without the RNNModel and RNNClassifier wrappers, should you want to. You can use them inside your own models, like the AWDLSTMEncoder for example:

class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ...):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = AWDLSTMEncoder(...)

        # Your code here


Version 0.3

  • Added ULMFiT and related code
  • Added finetuning and pretraining capabilities
  • Added a way to load vocabularies
  • Fixed the generation script

Version 0.2

  • Added basic LSTM Encoder support and modularity
  • Added an option to train with Adam with Linear Warmups
  • Fixed parameters and reduced required parameters
  • AR/TAR only activates when using an AWD-LSTM

Version 0.1

  • Added basic training functionality

To-do and Current Progress

As said, this repository is a work in progress. There will be some features missing. Here are the missing features:

For AWD-LSTM training:

  • NT-ASGD not implemented


  • Special tokens
  • Embeddings vocabulary adaptation


  • Distributed training

For now, ULMFiT achieves a validation accuracy of 92.11%, which is 3.29 points below the paper's original result of 95.4%. I surmise that this score will get closer once I add in all the missing features. For now, the repo is a partial reproduction.

The pretrained WikiText-103 model used in the results was also adapted from FastAI. I will update with newer scores once I add in distributed pretraining to train my own language model.


Credits are due to the following:

  • The contributors at FastAI where I adapted the dropout code from.
  • The people at HuggingFace responsible for their amazing Transformers library.

Issues and Contributing

If you find an issue, please do let me know in the issues tab! Help and suggestions are also very much welcome.


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