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Adding Compound

Benjamin K edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 1 revision

To add Compound to your existing project you'll need to add the Trident repo to your buildscript, you'll also need to use a plugin to perform the shading. You can see the steps for this below.

To add the trident repo to your project add the following to your build.gradle

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

To add a Compound module to your project add a dependency with the given format

compile "com.tridevmc.compound:compound-${compoundModule}:${compoundVersion}"

Although not strictly required, it's recommended that you shade compound into your mod jar and relocate it to another package in your jar. This prevents conflicts if there's more than one mod that depends on Compound in a pack.

To add ShadowJar to your project insert the following in your buildscript

plugins {
    id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '4.0.4'

Then to tell ShadowJar to shade compound into your output jar add the following

shadowJar {
    classifier = ""

    dependencies {

    relocate "com.tridevmc.compound", "my.mod.package.compound"
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