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Michel Dumontier, Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics) @ Stanford University
- expertise: ontology, linked data, semantic web, phenotypes, bioinformatics
- projects: Bio2RDF
Andrew Su, Associate Professor @ Scripps Research Institute
- expertise: crowdsourcing, bioinformatics, genomics
- projects: Gene Wiki, BioGPS
Benjamin Good, Staff Scientist @ Scripps Research Institute
- expertise: crowdsourcing, java, semantic web, games
- projects: Gene Wiki, genegames.org
Adrien Coulet, Assistant Professor @ University of Lorraine, France & Inria
- expertise: ontology, linked data, semantic web, knowledge extraction
Anders Riutta, Software Engineer @ Gladstone Institutes
- expertise: data science, linked open data/semantic web, systems biology
- projects: WikiPathways, pathvisiojs
Alexander Pico, Associate Director of Bioinformatics @ Gladstone Institutes
- expertise: crowdsourcing, bioinformatics, network biology, protein structure
- projects: WikiPathways, BridgeDb, Cytoscape
Ben Ainscough, Graduate Student @ Mardis/Griffith Lab @ The Genome Institute at WashU
- expertise: bioinformatics, genomics, perl, python, Java, C++
- projects: cancer genomics, translational research
Chunlei Wu Associate Prof of molecular medicine@ Scripps Research Institute
- expertise: crowd-sourcing, linked data, genomics, data science, Python hacking, Web dev.
- projects: BioGPS MyGene.info
[Ivo Georgiev] (http://www.linkedin.com/in/ivogeorgiev/)
- expertise: software engineering, embedded systems, bioinformatics, knowledge engineering
- projects: neuromorphic computer vision, knowledge base for spinal cord injury and regeneration, [multiscale phenotype] (http://goo.gl/a7ld5q)
Jack Park
- expertise: collaboraboration software development, knowledge rep and reasoning, NLP, ontology, topic maps
- projects: knowledge gardens, SolrSherlock
Jeffrey Grethe, Associate Director @ Center for Research in Biological Systems, University of California San Diego
- expertise: neuroscience, bioinformatics, data science, linked data, semantic web, bioinformatics
- projects: Neuroscience Information Framework, SciCrunch, NIDDK Information Network, Monarch Initiative
Joachim Baran, Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ Stanford University
- expertise: bioinformatics, big data (and small data too), ontologies, Semantic Web, linked data
Kevin Livingston, Postdoc @ University of Colorado Computational Bioscience Program
- expertise: knowledge representation and reasoning, natural language processing, ontology, semantic web
- projects: KaBOB (Knowledge Base of Biomedicine), Biomedical NLP, ...
Maeoll Kim, Graduate Student @ Bohonak Lab/SDSU
- expertise: network admin, biology, shell scripting, Python, C/C++, Java, bioinformatics
- projects: Isolation by Resistance Desktop Port
Manuel Salvadores, Software Engineer @ NCBO/Stanford
- expertise: RDF, SPARQL, BioPortal
- projects: NCBO, BioPortal, 4store
Nikhil R Podduturi, Research Engineer @ Stanford
- expertise: ontologies, genomics, bioinformatics, GPGPU, Java, C/C++, CUDA, Python etc
- projects: ENCODE, SGD
Paul Alexander, Software Engineer, NCBO @ Stanford
- expertise: software engineering, UMLS, REST APIs, Ruby, Python, Java
- projects: NCBO BioPortal
Robin Haw, Scientific Associate and Outreach Coordinator @ Reactome, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.
- expertise: microbiology, genetics, genomics, proteomics, data curation
- projects: [Reactome] (http://www.reactome.org)
- interests: variant-disease annotation, pathway curation and text mining
Sean Mooney, Associate Prof and Dir of bioinformatics, Buck Institute (also Berkeley, USC, and Indiana U)
- expertise: genetic variants, ontologies, bioinformatics, web development
Venkat Malladi, Data Wrangler @ Stanford
- expertise: data modeling, ontologies, genomics, bioinformatics
- projects: ENCODE
[Yen Low] (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/yen-sia-low/2/998/875), Postdoc, Stanford Biomedical Informatics
- expertise: cheminformatics, data mining, epidemiology, pharmacokinetics
- projects: Drug-drug interactions, drug epidemiology studies
- interested use cases: proteins -> drugs, drug-drug-events
[Pavel Novichkov] (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pavel_Novichkov), Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- expertise (science): comparative genomics, transcriptional regulation
- expertise (programming): Java and Java-based technologies(JSP, Java servlets, GWT); relational, document-oriented and graph databases (MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Neo4j)
- projects: DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase), [ENIGMA] (http://enigma.lbl.gov)