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NoB Hackathon Tutorials

Garbash edited this page Apr 26, 2014 · 7 revisions

1. Bio2RDF - Michel Dumontier

  • people interested in this tutorial: Alex Pico,

2. RDF and SPARQL - Manuel Salvadores

  • people interested in this tutorial: Adrien Coulet

3. WikiPathways - Alex Pico

Finding and editing biological pathways, and programmatic access to pathway data.

  • people interested in this tutorial: Adrien Coulet

4. CRAFT Corpus

A gold-standard corpus of annotations of ontological concepts (CHEBI, CL, GO BP/CC/MF, NCBITAXON, PRO, SO), syntax (sentence segmentation, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, Penn TreeBanking), and other types (document sectioning, formatting)

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5. Rhizi - Dor Garbash

A online collaborative document for inputting and exploring graphs

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