The Matlab software offers the possibility to study and design all-magnon circuits taking into account their physical behavior. This approach enables the architectural exploration of spinwave-based circuits from an architectural point of view.
Different circuits are already available and different parameters can be extracted.
The entire toolbox is developed on Matlab.
It is necessary to have Matlab installed with the following toolbox:
- Signal Processing Toolbox
The code is structured in different folders:
- simulation
- performance_analysis
Within the GUI folder, you can find the file mainWindow.mlapp
. Run this script to launch the mainwindow of the tool, where you can select the outputs to be printed, select the circuit to study, set the input stimuly and choose between the YIG100 and YIG30 technology node. Before starting the simulation from the GUI, please move to the root folder of the repository.
The simulation folder contains the core of the computational model for the two technology nodes. In addition, it is possible to find also the description of the supported circuits.
The performance_analysis folder contains the script to extract the metrics (area, delay, energy).
Branch naming:
- feature-[FEATURE NAME]: branch naming convention for new features
- fix-[VERSION NUMBER]: branch naming convention for bug fix related to particular released version
- fix-[FIX NAME]: branch naming convention for other bug fix
When a new feature or fix is completed, please submit a pull request.
We use M.m.p as a versioning system.
- M = Major
- m = minor
- p = patch
There is always back compatibility among minor version and patches only fix possible bugs.