- Fork this Repository
- Clone YOUR fork
- Compete the activity below
- Push your solution to your fork
- Submit a pull request from your repository to the turingschool-examples repository
- Make sure to put your name in your PR!
- Please include a reflection on how this challenge went for you.
Use TDD to create a Candidate
class that responds to the following interaction pattern.
pry(main)> require './lib/candidate'
=> true
pry(main)> diana = Candidate.new({name: "Diana D", party: :democrat})
=> #<Candidate:0x00007fd83736dbe0...>
pry(main)> diana.name
=> "Diana D"
pry(main)> diana.party
=> :democrat
pry(main)> diana.votes
=> 0
pry(main)> diana.vote_for
pry(main)> diana.vote_for
pry(main)> diana.vote_for
pry(main)> diana.votes
=> 3
pry(main)> diana.vote_for
pry(main)> diana.votes
=> 4
Use TDD to create a Race
class that responds to the following interaction pattern.
The register_candidate!
method must take a Hash as an argument and return an instance of Candidate
pry(main)> require './lib/candidate'
=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/race'
=> true
pry(main)> race = Race.new("Texas Governor")
=> #<Race:0x00007f9edf307688...>
pry(main)> race.office
=> "Texas Governor"
pry(main)> race.candidates
=> []
pry(main)> candidate1 = race.register_candidate({name: "Diana D", party: :democrat})
=> #<Candidate:0x00007f9edf376c90...>
pry(main)> candidate1.class
=> Candidate
pry(main)> candidate1.name
=> "Diana D"
pry(main)> candidate1.party
=> :democrat
pry(main)> candidate2 = race.register_candidate({name: "Roberto R", party: :republican})
=> #<Candidate:0x00007f9edf386780...>
pry(main)> race.candidates
=> [#<Candidate:0x00007f9edf376c90...>, #<Candidate:0x00007f9edf386780...>]
Use TDD to create an Election
class that satisfies the following requirements.
You have been contacted by the local government to create a program that helps track their elections by organizing registered candidates and their votes.
Method Name | Return Value |
#new(year) | An Election object that has an attribute of year (as a string). |
#year | The year of the election (string). |
#races | An array of Race objects. |
#add_race(race) | An array of Race objects. |
#candidates | An array of all Candidate objects in the election. |
#vote_counts | A hash with each candidate's name as a key and their count of votes as the value. |
Use TDD to implement the following methods on the Race
The local government agency has contacted you about compiling addition information about each of the races.
Method Name | Return Value |
#open? | A boolean indicating whether the race is open or not. A race should be open by default. |
#close! | Close the race (should no longer be open). |
#winner | false if the race is still open. It should return the candidate with the most votes if not open. If there is a tie, it should return any candidate with the highest number of votes. |
#tie? | A boolean indicating if two or more candidates received the highest number of votes. |
Use TDD to implement the following methods on the Election
Additionally, the local government would like you to expand the information they have about their elections.
Method Name | Return Value |
#winners | An array of the Candidate objects that represents the winner from each race. If the race is a tie or is still open, no winner should be returned for that race. |