v2.12.2-beta.0 – Peach 🍑 Brown 🏾 Betty 👧
How to Upgrade
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We're moving to a beta
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release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.
We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!
v2.12.2-beta.0 – Peach 🍑 Brown 🏾 Betty 👧
Yes, Peach Brown Betty is a real dessert! Naming things, like releases... and desserts, is hard.
Anyway, this release finally brings Node 14 support (and Node 15.0.0-rc.0, too)! Give it a try and let us know if you experience any issues.
Also, snapshot/revert now works properly when forking! If you use ganache's forking feature in your truffle tests you already use ganache's snapshot/revert feature, but you may have experienced some bugs if contracts you interact with deleted/destroyed or otherwise reset data. Thanks to @seesemichaelj's hard work, this bugs should now be fixed! Please open an issue if you run in to any more forking bugs (or any bugs, for that matter)!
How to Upgrade
Upgrade to the latest beta version of ganache-core by running:
npm uninstall ganache-core
npm install ganache-core@beta
yarn remove ganache-core
yarn add ganache-core@beta
- fix: update merkle-patricia-tree to v3.0.0 to support node 14 (#636)
- fix(forking): fix snapshots for forking (#627)
💖 The Truffle Team