A list of things that work with the League of Legends APIs.
Join the Riot Games API Discord Server to find out more about League's APIs and it's possibilities.
- Documentation - All sources of information about developing for League.
- Applications - Apps that work directly with client/game APIs.
- External Apps - Apps that work externally with the use of Riot API.
- Developer Tools - Tools for help in developing own apps for League
Riot Developer Portal - Docs about all of the APIs.
HexDocs - Unofficial docs made by the community.
Riot Games API Unofficial Community Documentation - Another unofficial community docs.
Ancient Chimes - Export your friends list into a text file.
Blitz App - All in one assistant that provides information about team, imports runes and item builds.
Crescendo - Allows you to mute the annoying PHOOOOM sound when you accept the game.
Dark Binding - Manages your keybindings based on your selected champion.
Deceive - Masks your online status.
Hextech Friends - Enables you to invite a lot of people at once.
Insert Mission Here - Creates custom missions for clubs.
Legendary Rune Maker - Automation app that imports rune pages, item sets and skill order, as well as automatically going through champ select for you.
LolAV - Desktop app that will allow you to set a one of hidden tencent icons for your profile.
Mimic - Allows you to control your client from your phone.
Manaflux - App that can import runes, spells and item sets.
PassCalc - A calculator for League of Legends passes.
RuneBook - App that can import runes from many sources. No longer developed.
RuneChanger - Allows you to quickly import runes, select recently played champions, quickly reply in chat, automate disenchanting and crafting loot.
Sentinel - Enables the use of Windows 10 notifications to show alerts from the client.
Trophy Hunter - Creates your own personalized trophy wall based on completed challenges.
YasuNO - Prevents you from selecting Yasuo in champion select.
- Elo.rip - A chaotic champion randomizer.
lcu-api - A Python LCU wrapper.
lcu-driver - Python3 interface for LCU API.
lcu-event-viewer - View and record events that the LCU sends through websockets.
LeagueConnect - NPM Module to get the LCU credentials and connect to the websocket.
lcu-connector - NPM Module to connect to the LCU automatically.
lol-client-java-api - Java library for connecting to LCU through API and websocket.
GlassLCU - C# .NET library that allows you to communicate with the LCU in a typed and always up-to-date manner.
lcu-sharp - An C# API wrapper for the League of Legends client.
RiftExplorer - Electron application to explore the LCU API.