Quickly create elasticsearch queries and associated interfaces.
Facets are a nice way to filter data in an index engine. Using bb-es
makes it
easy to manipulate facets.
There is two main facet concepts in bb-es
- defintions: define a facet flter and query
- filters: a filter associated to facet definition
A query needs facet definitions to be set before querying, here is how you might define a facets:
q = new Query();
// define/reset all facets
new Term({fieldname: 'my-fieldname'}),
new Term({fieldname: 'another-fieldname'})
// add a facet
q.addFacet(new Numeric({fieldname: 'numeric-field'}));
// remove facet for field `another-fieldname`
// retrieve a facet definition
q.getFacet('my-fieldname'); // returns new Term({fieldname: 'my-fieldname'})
// clears all facet definitons
// retrieve all facet definitions
q.getFacets(); // return a collection of facets
facet defintion associated events are:
: triggered when a facet definition is added callback signature isfunction (quuery, definition, changes)
: triggered when a facet definition is removed callback signature isfunction (query, definition, changes)
: triggered when all facet definitions collection is cleared callback signature isfunction (query, new_definitions, changes)
in all cases, a change
event is triggered too.
Facet filter values can be manipulated directly from the query as follow:
q = new Query();
// define facets
new Term({fieldname: 'my-fieldname'}),
new Term({fieldname: 'another-fieldname'})
// get foo filter values
// get foo filter ids
// set filter for foo by id
q.setFacetFilter('foo', ['bar']);
// or
q.setFacetFilter('foo', 'bar');
facet filters changes triggers a change:facet_filter
event with following
callback signature function (facet_definition, new_value, changes)
When querying, it is possible to specify fields to return and how to sort. In
you do this by defining fields.
Fields are instances of ColumnDefiniton
and can be provide as follow:.
q = new Query();
// intialize or reset fields
new Field({fieldname: 'foo'}),
new Field({fieldname: 'bar'})
// remove a field
// add field
q.addField(new Field({fieldname: 'foo'}));
following events are triggerd by query during fields manipulation:
: triggered whan a field is append to collection callback signature isfunction (query, field, changes)
: triggered when a field is removed from collection callback signature isfunction (query, field, changes)
: triggered when fields collection is reseted callback signature isfunction (query, new_fields)
Fields can be accessed through getFields
and getField
q.getFIelds(); // return a backbone collection
q.getField('foo'); // return Field with foo fieldname
Sorting can be defined or retrieved on an exsting field directly from the query.
q = new Query();
// sort field 'foo' ascendig
q.orderBy('foo', 'asc');
// sort field 'bar' descendig
q.orderBy('bar', 'desc');
// access order
q.getOrderBy('foo'); // return 'desc'
q.getOrderBy(); // return {fieldname: 'foo', order: 'desc'}
// easy toggling
// or with a fieldname
when sorting changes, a change:field_order_by
event is triggered, callback
signature is function (field, order, changes)
Once query is populated, it is really simple to access results :
q.getResults(); // will return the whole result collection
q.getResult('id'); // will return result with id 'id'
You can listen to dedicated result events:
: triggered when a result is changed. callback signature isfunction (query, result, changes)
: triggered when a result is added callback signature isfunction (query, result, changes)
: triggered when a result is removed callback signature isfunction (query, result, changes)
: triggered when result collection is reseted callback signature isfunction (query, new_elements)
There is two types of query in bb-es
, fetching is paginated request to server
with facet partial fetching, and facetQuery
is a pagianted facet only query.
q.fetch(); // fetch first page of document
q.fetchFirstPage(); // fetch first page of document
q.fetchNextPage(); // fetch the next page
when filters or columns changes, the collection is refetched.
q.fetchFacet('foo'); // fetch facet foo first page and reset results
q.fetchFacetNext('foo'); // fetch next facets page and append it to facet
// corresponding object
The query
can be set through setQuery
and retrieved by getQuery
// term march
q.setQuery('my query');
// terms match
q.setQuery(['my', 'terms', 'match']);
// no query nilter / match_all
// advanced query
query_string: {
default_field: "content",
"query" : "this AND that OR thus"
You have to extend Query
for your own needs.
Following methods or properties are mandatory:
: the url to fetchsetup
: callback to initialize your data. returnfalse
to prevent auto fetching on initialisation
here is an example code:
// query for Foo documents
var FooQuery = Query.extend({
url: 'index/foo',
setup: function () {
this.definedFacets([new Term({fieldname: 'foo'})]);
this.defineFields([new Field({fieldname: 'foo', order_by: 'asc'})]);
// autoreload on filter change
this.on('change:facet_filter', this.onFetchfirstPage);
// autoreload on order change
this.on('change:field_order_by', this.onFetchfirstPage);
// auto fetch on startup
return true;