The user will be able to create account and login
The user will be able to add, update and delete expenses with expense name, total price, upload image
The user will be able to see the list of expenses along with total expenses
The user will be able to filter and sort expenses by name, price, image availability, created date
(this installation assumes that you have a github account )
install python 3.0
install Django 2.0 (using 'pip install django~=2.0' )
Open command prompt and move to your required location then,
Download by clicking green button of rightside top portion or Clone the repository by using
git clone https://github.com/tharun323/Expenses-Tracker.git
and clone to desktop.
using command promnt 'cd path-to-repository' , change directory to Website
Enter python manage.py runserver
python manage.py migrate
( to create database tables )
python manage.py makemigrations
( to save the changes )
Open chrome and enter the URL
Create an account and start using.
( All the required settings for tests are made in website/settings.py )
(Download ChromeDriver for python-testing in google chrome , and copy its absolute path in EndToTndTest line no : 86 in tests.py .( this testing assumes that the OP is using windows as the OS)
install Selenium using pip install selenium
install Django-nose using pip install django-nose
install coverage using pip install coverage
move to .../tracker/tests.py
and under def EndToEndTest():
edit the username ,password ,email as mentioned in the script
To Test the app , move to root directory of the project and runserver using python manage.py runserver
open another command prompt , move to root directory and run python manage.py test tracker
to test the app.