A simple starting point for developing web covers for hetnieuweinstituut.nl
Learn more about what a web cover is and the guidelines to follow: Web Cover Guidelines
To download the boilerplate click on Download ZIP
or clone this git repository.
You need to include three proxy images with the cover. The filenames of these images need to correspond with those in the settings.ini
file. (For example when you decide to use a jpg instead of a gif)
: 1120px by 630px image to be shown at hetnieuweinstituut.nl/agendaproxy-landscape.gif
: 768px by 520px image to be shown on small screens in landscape modeproxy-portrait.gif
: 520px by 768px image to be shown on small screens in landscape mode
- Photographic images: use jpeg compression 80% or less
- Graphical bitmap images: png-8 or gif compression
- If your cover is purely vector based, you should try making an SVG version.
To test out how your cover will look on the homepage of the New Institute, host the cover directory on a local webserver and visit http://your-local-webserver/iframe-test/
. Make sure the following things work:
- When you hover your cursor over the cover, it should change to a hand.
- Clicking on the cover should send you to a page that tells you your click was successful
- You should be able to use your trackpad or the scrollbutton on your mouse, while your cursor is on top of the cover
- On an iPad, you should be able to scroll down the homepage, when your touch starts on the cover
The cover should be delivered to the web editor of The New Institute as a zip file. To create the zip file on Mac:
- select all the files in the cover directory (not the cover directory itself)
- control + click on them
- select 'compress x items' in the contextual menu