PHPStan 2.0 support #2726
10 errors
Run composer phpstan:
Property staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\BasePdoQueryReflector::$cache (array<string, list<array{name: string, table: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: array<int, string>, precision: int<0, max>, pdo_type: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|536870912|1073741824|2147483648}>|PDOException|null>) does not accept non-empty-array<string, array<int<0, max>, array{name: string, table: string, len: int, flags: array<int, string>, precision: int<0, max>, pdo_type: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|536870912|1073741824|2147483648, native_type: string}>|PDOException|null>.
Run composer phpstan:
Method staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\PdoMysqlQueryReflector::simulateQuery() should return list<array{name: string, table: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: array<int, string>, precision: int<0, max>, pdo_type: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|536870912|1073741824|2147483648}>|PDOException|null but returns array<int<0, max>, array{name: string, table: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: array<int, string>, precision: int<0, max>, pdo_type: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|536870912|1073741824|2147483648}>|PDOException|null.
Run composer phpstan:
Method staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\PdoPgSqlQueryReflector::simulateQuery() should return list<array{name: string, table?: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: list<string>}>|PDOException|null but returns list<array{name: string, table: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: array<int, string>, precision: int<0, max>, pdo_type: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|536870912|1073741824|2147483648}>|PDOException|null.
Run composer phpstan:
Method staabm\PHPStanDba\QueryReflection\PdoPgSqlQueryReflector::simulateQuery() should return list<array{name: string, table?: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: list<string>}>|PDOException|null but returns array<int<0, max>, array{name: string, table?: string, native_type: string, len: int, flags: array<int, string>, precision: int<0, max>, pdo_type: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|536870912|1073741824|2147483648}>|PDOException|null.
Run composer phpstan:
PHPDoc tag @var with type array{column_default?: string, column_name: string, is_nullable: string} is not subtype of type array{COLUMN_NAME: string|null, COLUMN_DEFAULT: string|null, IS_NULLABLE: string}.
Run composer phpstan:
Cannot call method getCondition() on mixed.
Run composer phpstan:
Cannot call method getLeft() on mixed.
Run composer phpstan:
Cannot call method getRight() on mixed.
Run composer phpstan:
Cannot call method getName() on mixed.
Run composer phpstan:
Cannot call method getRight() on mixed.