The System Package Data Exchange (SPDX®) specification is an open standard designed to represent systems containing software components as Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs). Additionally, SPDX supports AI, data, and security references, making it suitable for a wide range of risk management use cases.
The SPDX standard helps facilitate compliance with free and open source software licenses by standardizing the way license information is shared across the software supply chain. SPDX reduces redundant work by providing a common format for companies and communities to share important data about software licenses and copyrights, thereby streamlining and improving compliance.
Current stable version:
- The current stable specification is available at:
Next version (work in progress):
- A preview of the next version, currently under active development, is
available at:
(This website is automatically updated with each commit to the
Translations of the specification may be available. English remains the normative language in all cases.
The specification comprised of documents located in the docs/
directory of this spdx/spdx-spec
as well as a model documentation generated from Markdown files within the
spdx/spdx-3-model repository.
Contributions, including translations, are welcome. Contributions to this repository are made pursuant to the SPDX Community Specification Contributor License Agreement 1.0. Please see the contributing guidelines, governance practices, and build instructions in the related documents section.
This repository consists of these files and directories (partial):
- Workflow definitions.publish_v3.yml
The website (HTML) generation workflow.
- Scripts for spec
- Specification content:annexes/
- Annexes for the specification.css/
- Style sheets for HTML.front/
- Front matter.images/
- Model diagrams. These image files are to be generated from a diagram description file model.drawio in thespdx/spdx-3-model
repo and manually copied here.licenses/
- Licenses that used by the SPDX specifications.model/
- Model files. This subdirectory is to be created by a script fromspdx/spec-parser
repo, using model information fromspdx/spdx-3-model
repo (see the build instructions).
- Examples of various SPDX serializations for the current version of the spec.rdf/
- Model RDF files. These ontology files are generated from model Markdown files in thespdx/spdx-3-model
repo and manually copied here.mkdocs.yml
- MkDocs recipe for the spec documentation generation. The inclusion of model files and the order of chapters are defined here.
The SPDX spec repo follows the Gitflow workflow with the addition of support branches.
The branches in use are:
- This will always be the latest released specification.develop
- This branch will be where the active development for the next major or minor version takes place. Once released, thedevelop
branch will be merged into themain
- These branches will be long-lived and contain any updates to a minor version of the specification.x.y
represents the MAJOR.MINOR version, following Semantic Versioning (SemVer) conventions. Once any changes are accepted and released, the support branch will be tagged and merged into bothdevelop
branches.- General feature or fix branches - there may be feature branches made for
specific enhancements or fixes to the spec.
These will be short-lived and merged into either a
branch or thedevelop
branch. gh-pages
- This branch hosts generated HTML websites for all versions of the specification. It is primarily managed by an automated workflow.
Documentation | Link |
Changes between versions | |
Contributing guidelines | |
Building the specification website (for testing purpose) | |
Governance practices | spdx/governance |
SPDX 3 model development | spdx/spdx-3-model |
Model specification parser | spdx/spec-parser |
How to use the specification | spdx/using |
Use cases and scenarios | spdx/spdx-examples |
SPDX website, with more information about the specification | |
Official releases of the specification, including PDFs | |