You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 254
The document is intended for system administrators and/or Groovy coders who wish to make use of the RedHat RHN Satellite v5.1 Server API. There may well be better ways to code the examples below and it should be noted that they have not been thoroughly examined for security issues. Additionally, there are a few complex examples to help give you a better idea of some of the real life uses of the RHN Satellite Server API.
This guide was modified from the SpacewalkApiPerlGuide and is intended for those individuals to whom merely thinking of PERL gives them a headache, much less actually having to use it.
In order for your custom code or scripts to access the Satellite API, you must include the Groovy XMLRPC module (http://groovy.codehaus.org/XMLRPC). This provides the essential groovy.net.xmlrpc.* classes needed for a Groovy XMLRPC client proxy.
Every Groovy script that accesses the Satellite API must include some variation on the following code:
import groovy.net.xmlrpc.*
// Set the host appropriately
def host = "satellite.company.com"
def url = "http://${host}/rpc/api"
def client = new XMLRPCServerProxy(url)
// Use the client to obtain the authentication key
def key = client.auth.login("username", "password")
assert client != null && key != null : "Login to RHN Satellite failed!"
rhn.client.api.getApiNamespaces(rhn.key).each { apiNamespace ->
println apiNamespace
assert client.auth.logout(key) == 1 : "Failed logging out of Satellite"
The problem with the above approach is the username and password of a valid (and probably privileged) Satellite user is stored in clear text in each and every one of your scripts. To avoid this, I create the file /etc/satellite_api.conf (which a filemode of 0600 and owned by root:root) which contains:
satellite.company.com user password
and use a home grown Groovy class called RHNSession. RHNSession consists of:
import groovy.net.xmlrpc.*
class RHNSession {
def configFile = "/etc/satellite_api.conf"
def client
def key
def isLoggedIn() {
client != null && key != null
def login() {
def config = new File(configFile)
assert config.exists() : "Failed reading ${configFile} because it doesn't exist"
def (hostname, username, password) = config.readLines()[0].split(" ")
client = new XMLRPCServerProxy("http://${hostname}/rpc/api")
key = client.auth.login(username, password)
assert isLoggedIn() : "Failed logging into ${hostname} as ${username}"
def logout() {
assert isLoggedIn() : "Not logged into Satellite"
assert client.auth.logout(key) == 1 : "Failed logging out of Satellite"
client = null
key = null
So your minimal API Groovy script is now:
RHNSession rhn = new RHNSession()
rhn.client.api.getApiNamespaces(rhn.key).each { apiNamespace ->
println apiNamespace
RHNSession rhn = new RHNSession()
// Step 1: Login!
// Make sure we're logged in
assert isLoggedIn() : "Failed logging in, check username and password"
// Find all hosts and print them in csv format
println "ID,name,hostname,last_checkin,ip,cpu-arch,cpu-count,memory,swap,kernel"
rhn.client.system.listSystems(rhn.key) { system ->
def network = rhn.client.system.getNetwork(rhn.key, system.id)
def memory = rhn.client.system.getMemory(rhn.key, system.id)
def kernel = rhn.client.system.getRunningKernel(rhn.key, system.id)
def cpu = rhn.client.system.getCpu(rhn.key, system.id)
if ( cpu.class == String.class) {
println "**** ${system.name} doesn't have CPU info... needs investigation"
} else {
println "${system.id},${system.name},${system.last_checkin},${network.hostname},${network.ip},${cpu.arch},${cpu.count},${memory.ram},${memory.swap},${kernel}"
This example is to demonstrate real world release management, where patches and updates must be vetted or promoted via a predefined release lifecycle.
RHNSession rhn = new RHNSession()
// this map identifies the source channel's label and the new channels label
// [ sourceLabel: destinationLabel ]
def releaseChannels = [
// Get the date and format it for naming the new channels
def now = new Date()
def year = now.format("yyyy")
def month = now.format("MMM").toLowerCase()
releaseChannels.each { original, label ->
def release = "fy$year-$month-$label"
println "Working on $release ..."
// Make sure we're logged in
assert rhn.isLoggedIn() : "Not logged into RHN Satellite"
def orig = rhn.client.channel.software.getDetails(key, original)
def prev = null
try {
prev = rhn.client.channel.software.getDetails(key, release)
} catch (all) { /* We can ignore this exception; it most likely means channel not found, which is good */ }
if (prev) {
// the new release already exists! it must be deleted... women and children first!
println " -- Finding child channels for ${prev.label}"
rhn.client.channel.software.listChildren(key, release).each { child ->
println " -- Deleting child channel ${child.label}"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.delete(key, child.label) == 1 : "Failed deleting ${child.label}"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.delete(key, prev.label) == 1 : "Failed removing parent channel ${prev.label}"
println " -- ${prev.label} successfully deleted"
def params = [:]
if (orig.name) params << [name: "FY $year ${month.toUpperCase()} - ${orig.name}"]
params << [label: release]
if (orig.summary) params << [summary: orig.summary]
if (orig.parent_channel_label) params << [parent_label: release]
if (orig.gpg_key_url) params << [gpg_url: orig.gpg_key_url]
if (orig.gpg_key_id) params << [gpg_id: orig.gpg_key_id]
if (orig.gpg_key_fp) params << [gpg_fingerprint: orig.gpg_key_fp]
if (orig.description) params << [description: orig.description]
println " ++ Cloning $original as $release"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.clone(
key, original, params, false
) > 0 : " ** Failed creating parent channel $release"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.setGloballySubscribable(key, release, true) == 1 : "Failed setting ${release} as a globally subscribable channel"
assert rhn.client.channel.access.setOrgSharing(key, release, "public") == 1 : "Failed setting ${release} as a public channel"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.regenerateYumCache(key, release) == 1 : "Failed regenerating YUM cache for ${release}"
rhn.client.channel.software.listChildren(key, original).each { child ->
def childRelease = "fy$year-$month-${child.label}"
def childName = child.name
if (child.name) params << [name: "FY $year ${month.toUpperCase()} - ${childName}"]
params << [label: childRelease]
if (child.summary) params << [summary: child.summary]
if (child.parent_channel_label) params << [parent_label: release]
if (child.gpg_key_url) params << [gpg_url: child.gpg_key_url]
if (child.gpg_key_id) params << [gpg_id: child.gpg_key_id]
if (child.gpg_key_fp) params << [gpg_fingerprint: child.gpg_key_fp]
if (child.description) params << [description: child.description]
println " ++ Cloning ${child.label} as child $childRelease"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.clone(
key, child.label, params, false
) > 0 : " ** Failed creating child channel $childRelease"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.setGloballySubscribable(key, childRelease, true) == 1 : "Failed setting ${childRelease} as a globally subscribable channel"
assert rhn.client.channel.access.setOrgSharing(key, childRelease, "public") == 1 : "Failed setting ${childRelease} as a public channel"
assert rhn.client.channel.software.regenerateYumCache(key, childRelease) == 1 : "Failed regenerating YUM cache for ${childRelease}"
println "Sleeping 5 seconds before next channel..."
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
RHNSession rhn = new RHNSession()
// Make sure we're logged in
assert rhn.isLoggedIn() : "Failed logging in, check username and password"
// Get the list of all configuration channels
def channelList = rhn.client.configchannel.listGlobals(rhn.key)
channelList.each { channel ->
// set the configuration channel name
def name = channel.label
println "Working on channel $name"
// set the base path
def base = "configchannels/$name"
// this is the easiest way to create it; I'm on a unix machine and I'd rather not mess with
// coding this in groovy... we're just making sure the base directory exists
"/bin/mkdir -p $base".execute()
// list the files in the configuration channel
try {
def fileList = rhn.client.configchannel.listFiles(rhn.key, name)
// create the dircetory metadata (dump of the file info)
File fileListFile = new File("$base/files.metadata")
def writer = fileListFile.newWriter()
//def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.files() {
fileList.each { file ->
delegate.file {
def files = fileList.findAll { it.type == "file" }
def dirs = fileList.findAll { it.type == "directory" }
def symlinks = fileList.findAll { it.type == "symlinks" }
dirs.each { dir ->
println "Creating directory $base/${dir.path}"
"/bin/mkdir -p $base/${dir.path}".execute()
files.each { file ->
println "Creating file ${file.path}"
def bp = "/usr/bin/dirname ${file.path}".execute().in.text
"/bin/mkdir -p $base/$bp".execute()
def info = rhn.client.configchannel.lookupFileInfo(rhn.key, name, [file.path])
String type = info.type[0]
String path = info.path[0]
String target_path = info.target_path[0]
int revision = info.revision[0]
Date creation = info.creation[0]
Date modified = info.modified[0]
String owner = info.owner[0]
String group = info.group[0]
int permissions = info.permissions[0]
String permissions_mode = info.permissions_mode[0]
String selinux_ctx = info.selinux_ctx[0]
boolean binary = info.binary[0]
String md5 = info.md5[0]
String macrostartdelimiter = info."macro-start-delimiter"[0]
String macroenddelimiter = info."macro-end-delimiter"[0]
// create the metadata (dump of the file info)
metadataFile = new File("${base}/${file.path}.metadata")
writer = metadataFile.newWriter()
//writer = new StringWriter()
xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.metadata() {
// create the real file (dump the contents)
contents = new File("${base}/${file.path}")
symlinks.each { symlink ->
println "Creating symlink ${symlink.path}"
def bp = "/usr/bin/dirname ${symlink.path}".execute().in.text
"/bin/mkdir -p $base/$bp".execute()
"/bin/ln -s ${symlink.target_path} $base/${symlink.path}".execute()
} catch (Exception e) { println "ERROR: ${e.message}"; e.printStackTrace() }
RHNSession rhn = new RHNSession()
// set the base path
def base = "configchannels"
"/bin/mkdir -p $base".execute()
// Step 1: Login!
// Make sure we're logged in
assert isLoggedIn() : "Failed logging in, check username and password"
// We either specify the list; OR we assume that any directories in our base path are the channel names
//def channels = ["config-channel-label"]
def channels = []
def channelList = new File(base).eachDir {
channels << it.name
channels.each { channel ->
assert rhn.client.configchannel.channelExists(rhn.key, channel) == 1 : "Configuration channel [$channel] does not exist in satellite!"
new File(base, channel).traverse { file ->
switch (file.name) {
case ".DS_Store":
case ~/.*\.metadata$/:
case ~/.*\.svn.*$/:
if ( !file.isDirectory() ) {
def metadata
def metadataName = file.path + ".metadata"
def metadataFile = new File(metadataName)
if ( metadataFile.exists() ) {
metadata = new XmlSlurper().parse(metadataFile)
if (metadata) {
def actualPath = file.path.toString().substring(base.size() + channel.size() + 1)
assert channel.equals(metadata.channel.toString()) : "Specified channel in repository [$channel] is different than metadata channel [${metadata.channel}]"
assert actualPath.equals(metadata.path.toString()) : "Derived actual path [$actualPath] is different than metadata path [${metadata.path}]!"
def contentsName = file.path
def contentsFile = new File(contentsName)
def contents = contentsFile.text
def result = rhn.client.configchannel.createOrUpdatePath(
contents: contents.bytes.encodeBase64().toString(),
contents_enc64: true,
owner: metadata.owner.toString(),
group: metadata.group.toString(),
permissions: metadata.permissions_mode.toString(),
selinux_ctx: metadata.selinux_ctx.toString(),
"macro-start-delimiter": metadata."macro-start-delimiter".toString(),
"macro-end-delimiter": metadata."macro-end-delimiter".toString(),
revision: metadata.revision.toInteger() + 1
Like Satellite itself, the API is not trivial and can take some time to get your head around. It’s very difficult to understand why your code isn’t working as expected if:
- You can’t visualise the data you are working with
- You don’t know how the module you are using is designed to work
- Groovy XMLRPC Module (http://groovy.codehaus.org/XMLRPC)
- RedHat Satellite mailing list (https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rhn-satellite-users)
- Documentation on the Satellite Server: (https://satellite.example.com/rhn/apidoc/index.jsp)
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