Version 0.2.0
New features
Add ability to disable CloudWatch metric reportings (#11)
Remove requirement to always use Kinesis Enhanced Fan Out (#14)
Bug fixes
Fix type derivation of enum fields (#12)
Ignore missing comment on atomic events table (#36)
Use jsonb instead of varchar for complex enums (#31)
Configuration changes
Improve configuration defaults and examples (#41)
Remove unused name and id fields from config hocon (#38)
Add PubSub configuration to the example config file (#34)
Rename storage to output in config file (#33)
Use hocon for cli config instead of self-describing json (#20)
Dependency upgrades
Bump postgresql to 42.2.0 (#15)
Bump schema-ddl to 0.13.1 (#27)
Bump log4s to 1.10.0 (#26)
Bump fs2 to 2.5.6 (#25)
Bump doobie to 0.13.4 (#24)
Bump fs2-google-pubsub to 0.17.0 (#23)
Bump fs2 aws to 3.1.1 (#22)
Bump circe to 0.14.1 (#30)
Bump cats-effect to 2.5.1 (#29)
Bump decline to 2.0.0 (#28)
Bump commons-codec to 1.15 (#21)
Use AdoptOpenJDK 11 as docker base image (#18)
Under the hood
Build docker images for amd64 and arm64 architectures (#19)
Publish to maven central instead of bintray (#17)
Attach jar files to github release (#10)