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Inference as a Service with Arm optimized Triton and a custom admission controller.


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Admission Controller for Triton Inference Server


To install the admission controller, you can either build against the host machine or use docker

To initialize the repo with our test images you can run from the root of this repo:

cd admission_controller/tests
tar -xvzf admission_controller_triton_model_repo.tar.gz

Docker Configuration

The admission controller realtime features only work on systems which use cgroup v1. You can check on your system by running:

stat -fc %T /sys/fs/cgroup/

If the output is tmpfs you are using cgroup v1, if it is cgroup2fs you are using cgroup v2.

On your host machine, configure docker to use the systemd cgroup driver, such that the admission controller can modify cpuset configurations in cgroupfs for realtime tasks by modifying /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service, adding

--exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=systemd

to the ExecStart command in the systemd service.

You can then restart docker and remove the cpuset it created (if it exists) by running:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo rmdir /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/docker 

Docker build

To build your docker image you can simply run the following:

cd <admission_controller_directory>
docker build -t admission_controller .

and if building for jetson devices you can run:

cd <admission_controller_directory>
docker build -f Dockerfile.jetson -t admission_controller .

If you wish to build against a custom version of triton you can build triton from scratch:

cd ~
git clone -b r22.05
cd server
./ --enable-logging --enable-stats --enable-tracing --enable-metrics --endpoint=http --endpoint=grpc --backend=tensorflow1 --backend=armnn_tflite:dev --extra-backend-cmake-arg=tensorflow1:TRITON_TENSORFLOW_INSTALL_EXTRA_DEPS=ON

This command will generate a tritonserver:latest image, which will be used as the base image in the next step

Now build the admission controller, specifying your custom triton image:

cd <admission_controller_directory>
docker build --build-arg TRITON_BASE_IMAGE=tritonserver:latest -t admission_controller .

Host build

To build against the host, you need to install triton yourself, which is easiest to do via a host build. On an Ubuntu 20.04 machine, you can run (replace 22.05 with the NGC container release version of choice):

git clone -b r22.05
cd server
./ --cmake-dir=$HOME/code/server/build --build-dir=$HOME/citritonbuild --no-container-build --enable-logging --enable-stats --enable-tracing --enable-metrics --endpoint=http --endpoint=grpc --backend=tensorflow1 --backend=armnn_tflite:dev --extra-backend-cmake-arg=tensorflow1:TRITON_TENSORFLOW_INSTALL_EXTRA_DEPS=ON --upstream-container-version=22.05


To run the image you can either use the host or docker build above:

Collect Profiling Data for Models

In order to collect the offline profiling data for each of your models of interest you must use a custom built verison of the Nvidia model analyzer which collects CPU utilization metrics for each model. To get this image run:

cd ~
git clone -b cpu_util
cd model_analyzer
docker build --build-arg TARGETARCH=amd64 -t model-analyzer .

If you wish to build a version of the Model Analyzer with a custom triton you can run the following after building triton using the convenience script found here:

docker build --build-arg TRITON_BASE_IMAGE=tritonserver:latest -t model-analyzer -f Dockerfile.custom_triton .

For Jetson builds you can build the Docker image for triton and the admission controller and use this for the custom model analyzer build:

docker build --build-arg TRITON_BASE_IMAGE=admission_controller -t model-analyzer -f Dockerfile.custom_triton .

Before you run the profiler you will want to lock your clock freqencies by setting your cpu scaling governor to performance (max freq) or powersave (min freq).

To profile the models in this repo:

docker run -it --rm \
     -v $HOME/code/admission_controller/admission_controller/tests:/model-test \
     --net=host -v $HOME/saved_checkpoints:/opt/triton-model-analyzer/checkpoints model-analyzer

model-analyzer profile --model-repository /model-test/triton_model_repo/ --config /model-test/triton_model_repo/profile_config_<tf/tflite>_<machine_name>.yml --collect-cpu-metrics --override-output-model-repository

Finally to export the data into this repository, from the root of this repo, run the script:

./ -c <container id of model analyzer> -p <platform name>

where platform name is an arbitrary nickname of the machine the data was gathered

The output of these instructions will leave a csv file for use with the admission controller

Admission Controller Runtime Options

Admission Controller is configurable using environment variables. The following options are available:

Variable Values Default Details
SHIELD Any or unset unset If set use cpu shield assuming it has already been setup on the host
GPUS List of gpu ids unset Gpu ids. On jetson only option is 0
SCHED NICE, DEADLINE, RR, or unset unset Linux scheduling class to use, if unset inference threads run with default priority
MULTI_SERVER Any or unset unset If set, one triton server process will be used per managed model
TRITON_INSTALL_PATH Filepath or unset /opt/tritonserver Path to tritonserver binary
OUTPUT_REPO_PATH Filepath or unset /opt/output_models Location to write output model repo for triton to use
CLIENT_MAX_RETRIES Integer or unset 20 Max retries for a triton client used by admission controller when managing triton
TRITON_URL URL or unset localhost:8000 Url where admission controller can access triton
PRIORITY_ASSIGNMENT SLACK or unset unset If SLACK, when using RR or NICE scheduling class: assign highest priority to inference with tightest deadlines, else assign highest priority to lowest request latency
SCALING_FACTOR Float or unset 1.0 Scale profiled inference latency data by scaling factor to account for clock freq changes
NO_ENFORCE Any or unset unset If set admission control is not enforced by the system
NGINX_LOGGING Any or unset unset If set enable nginx logs to be written
NGINX_CONFIG_PATH Filepath or unset /tmp/nginx_config.txt File to write nginx logs
NO_NGINX_RATELIMIT Any or unset unset If set nginx rate-limiting not used

Run via Docker

To run the docker image simply run:

docker run --rm -it -p 2520-2522:2520-2522 admission_controller

Run on host

To run on the host you must pass some environment variables to point to your triton installation and desired output model repository. As an example you may run:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements-admission-controller.txt
TRITON_INSTALL_PATH=$HOME/tritonserver_install OUTPUT_MODEL_REPO_PATH=/tmp/output_model_repository python3

By default the admission control api is available on The Nginx server acts as the gateway to access the triton server, and listens on for http requests to Triton, and for gRPC requests.

Run test suite

To run the test suite to measure repeatable performance for a fixed set of tests we use pytest. These tests rely on docker to build an run the admission controller image.

From the root of this repository run the following commands:

python3 -m pip install -r test_deps.txt
pytest --plot -vv --min-capture-duration 30 --max-capture-duration 200

Use CPU Shielding

To run the admission controller and make use of cpu shielding to produce more deterministic inference performance install the cset tool and create a shield for the admission controller to assign Triton to run on by executing:

sudo apt install cpuset
sudo cset shield --cpu 0-7 --kthread=on

Note you can pass any list of cpus in the above command for triton to run on this is just an example

In order to leverage the linux deadline scheduling class, after running the cset shield command above you must also run:

sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.sched_load_balance'

To disable load balancing in the root cpuset. This is necessary as without this setting, the created user and system cpusets are not considered root domains, meaning SCHED_DEADLINE scheduling class can not be applied to their tasks.

Run perf during tests

To run perf during the tests, first you will need to ensure perf is on your system, and if not compile it from the linux source tree for your kernel version, then put it in usr/bin. Then setup a group for yourself to enable running perf without root priviledges:

sudo su
cd /usr/bin
groupadd perf_users
chgrp perf_users perf
chmod o-rwx perf
setcap cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_syslog=ep perf

Also enable perf to read kernel info without being root:

sudo mount -o remount,mode=755 /sys/kernel/debug/

If you install perf via apt, perf will be located somewhere like: /usr/lib/linux-tools-5.15.0-40/perf. Modify the above to account for this.

Further if you are running a kernel >= 5.8, use cap_perfmon in the capabilities as below:

sudo setcap "cap_perfmon,cap_ipc_lock,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_syslog=ep" /usr/lib/linux-tools-5.15.0-40/perf

Then add yourself to the group:

usermod -aG perf_users <your username>

Also modify /etc/sysctl.conf file adding the line kernel.perf_event_paranoid = -1 and run sudo sysctl --reload

At the end of this benchmark test being run you will see outputted graphs at admission_controller/admission_controller/tests/plots


Inference as a Service with Arm optimized Triton and a custom admission controller.









Contributors 3

