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This is a script for Adobe Illustrator that draws non overlapping tangent circles, in Euclidean geometry.
USAGE: Select a rectangle path or circles, and run this script. A window with an output field and buttons will open.
- exec : starts new process.
- abort : aborts the process.
- close : closes the window.
mode-1 : if only 1 object is selected : generates random points inside it.
mode-2 : if 3 or more path is selected : arranges selected circles. (draws arranged circles anew)
You can edit the number of random points and other settings. They are at the beginning of the script.
You'll notice big circles on the edge. Please think them like the heel of bread.
While running, this script displays "max dist err" in the window. It means the maximum distance between circles. Of course 0.0 is ideal. But 2.0 or lower value seemed good enough. If it keeps growing or is seemed hard to converge, something is wrong. You should abort the process.
The circle which has "max dist err" is marked with red like the following image.
If you don't like this coloring, edit the beginning part of the script to set "mark_with_red_for_max_dist_err_circle" to false. (ver.1.0.3)
If you feel the error is still noticeable, you can select drawn circles and run this script again to continue adjusting process. (Make sure not to select the rectangle frame at this time.)
This is an example image which applied path-offset effect after generated circles.
There're some variations inside "variations" folder. The following image is a web browser version.
I don't know if this is the best way. But it produces the fastest and the most accurate result for now. I guess there're more mathematically convincing methods.
In mode-1, it generates random points inside the selected object (supposed a rectangle path).
Applies the Delaunay triangulation to the points. Assuming the drawn triangles are ideal for packing (though it never be), it determines an ideal radius for each vertex, using tangents of the incircle.
Finds the best position to each surrounding circles. And averages them to find temporary center.
Finds the best radius to each surrounding circles. And averages them to find temporary radius.
Repeats from "2" to "4" while the error value is greater than the threshold.
Repeats "3" and "4" many times for finishing.
Implementing Delaunay refinement algorithm.
Doing this in Hyperbolic geometry.
To implement the Delaunay triangulation, I referred to the following page (in Japanese) by Tercel. Thanks for helpful description of algorithm.
Copyright(c) 2016 Hiroyuki Sato
This script is distributed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for details.