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File Sharing Web App to share files like images,pdf with your friends using Nodejs,MongoDb

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File Sharing Web App to share files like images,pdf with your friends in the college using Nodejs,MongoDb,Bootstrap !!

How To Run?

To run this website run this command on command prompt on root folder.

npm start or node app.js

It will run under the url

Login Details

Email and Password for Website:

Admin :
Email :[email protected]
Password: admincq

Email : [email protected]
Password: admincq


  • Mongoose Database
  • Different View For Users And Admin
  • Send Files using Multer
  • Different Files can be shared
  • Seprate View for records of send files
  • Seprate View for records of received files

How to Use ?

  1. Use mongorestore command to add database to your Local Machine.
  2. Install Node Modules by running npm install
  3. Run Mongo Server
  4. Run Server File app.js
  5. Run local host on port number 8000
  6. Login using admin id or user id (For id and password see database)


  • Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
  • Mongoose
  • Pre-requisites or Dependencies(Below)

Dependencies :

  • Mongoose
  • Express
  • Express-Session
  • EJS
  • Multer
  • Bcrypt Module
  • Express
npm install express
  • EJS
npm install ejs
  • Express-Session
npm install express-session
  • Multer
npm install multer
  • Mongoose
npm install mongoose
  • Dotenv
npm install dotenv
  • Bcrypt
npm install bcrypt  / npm i bcrypt


User Schema

Name Type Required Unique Encrpyted
Name String Yes No No
Email String Yes Yes No
Password String Yes No Yes
Phone No. String Yes No No
City String Yes No No
Gender String Yes No No
DOB String Yes No No
Role String Yes No No
Status String Yes No No
Photoname String No No No
Flag String No No No

File Schema

Name Type
From String
To String
Message String
FileName String
OriginalName String
Type String
EntryDate String


|___ Root
|   |--- app.js
|   |
|   |--- Controller
|   |    |--- admin.js
|   |    |--- login.js
|   |    |--- user.js
|   |
|   |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
|   |
|   |--- Middlewares
|   |    |--- auth.js
|   |    |--- multer.js
|   |
|   |--- Models
|   |    |--- FileSchema.js
|   |    |--- UserSchema.js
|   |
|   |--- Public
|   |    |--- css (Static)
|   |    |--- images (Staic)
|   |    |--- script (Static)
|   |
|   |--- Routes
|   |    |--- Handlers
|   |    |    |--- admin.ejs
|   |    |    |--- login.ejs
|   |    |    |--- user.ejs
|   |    |--- index.js
|   |
|   |--- views
|   |    |--- layout
|   |    |    |--- layout.ejs
|   |    | 
|   |    |--- partials
|   |    |    |--- header.ejs
|   |    |    |--- side-navbar.ejs
|   |    |    |--- top-navbar.ejs
|   |    | 
|   |    |--- addUser.ejs
|   |    |--- allFiles.ejs
|   |    |--- changePassword.ejs
|   |    |--- dashboard.ejs
|   |    |--- login.ejs
|   |    |--- manageFiles.ejs
|   |    |--- manageUsers.ejs
|   |    |--- newProfileUpdate.ejs
|   |    |--- profileDetails.ejs
|   |    |--- receivedFiles.ejs
|   |    |--- recentFiles.ejs
|   |    |--- sendFileRecord.ejs
|   |    |--- switchAsUserAdmin.ejs
|   |    |--- uploads.ejs


File Sharing Web App to share files like images,pdf with your friends using Nodejs,MongoDb







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