pytonik .env file contains properties with parameters that enable the deployment and development of web application using pytonik frame work. pytonik MVC cannot run or function without setting all necessary parameters.
- route
- dbConnect
- languages
- error
route set all default method for reused purposes, either to pass on parameters or revoking controller, below is the illustration, we'll be using ContactController
'contact/edit' : 'ContactController@edit',
'contact/add' : 'ContactController@add'
Define default language
Note: edit and add are functions in ContactController module
dbConnect set all Database connection parameters, configure pytonik to work with MYSQL database, parameters are required to enable database to function probably
'host': 'localhost',
'database': 'pytonik-database',
'password': 'database-password',
'username': 'database-username',
'port': 'database-port',
'driver': 'MYSQL'
MYSQLi requires mysql-connector-python module
$ pip install mysql-connector-python
'path': 'Folder-name',
'name': 'database-file-name',
'driver': 'SQLite'
Note: driver support only SQLite and MYSQLi Database
Enable pytonik application to run multiple language translation, all language dictionary file are created in lang folder
'en': '',
'fr': '',
'ef': '',
Define default language
Note: default language is compulsory
Enable application to send mails to or fro pytonik
'server': '[email protected]',
'port': '25',
'username': '[email protected]',
'password': 'testpassword',
Note: Application that requires sending of mails, above setup is compulsory
Define all default routes , controllers , action and language when developing or deploying a standard application
'default_actions': '',
'default_controllers' :'',
'default_routes' : '',
pytonik is open to questions, feel free to ask.
Name: pytonik MVC
Email: [email protected]