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Guest Operating System Support

pr1ntf edited this page Mar 20, 2016 · 7 revisions

#What guest operating systems are supported by iohyve? ####Here is a list of guest operating systems that will be supported by the new grubcfg option in iohyve. Feedback is appreciated.


  • Two normal releases that increment by 0.1 twice a year. (grub.cfg template per release)
  • A snapshot image of -current made several times a week allows for upgrading from -current to -current without the need to compile from csv.
  • OpenBSD supports the current release and one version back for patches. So 5.8 is the current release and 5.7 is still patched
  • Basically, if OpenBSD supports it, iohyve supports it.


  • NetBSD 7
  • Basically, the highest supported release.


  • Because Debian and Ubuntu are related on how they use GRUB, I can support all the supported Debian/Ubuntu releases if this system does not change. -- Debian/Ubuntu LVM install grub.cfg template. -- Debian HDD (non-LVM) install grub.cfg template.

###Kali Linux

  • They are now a "rolling update" distro as well.
  • Two choices -- Live OS -- Installed to virtual HDD

###Turnkey Linux?

  • Debian based?
  • More investigation needs to be done on the grub.cfg portion


  • CentOS 6 grub.cfg template (possibly with instructions)
  • CentOS 7 grub.cfg template

###Arch Linux

###iX FreeBSD variants?

  • FreeNAS?
  • TrueOS?
    • More investigation needs to be done on the grub.cfg portions

Non-iX FreeBSD variants

  • pfSense?
  • OPNSense?