Quick tool to parse an ETI file and display the timings of link actuator changes.
cat <eti_file> | python la_times.py
Frame ETI time Broadcast time Event Details
25 0:00:00.600000 unknown First occurance of linkset 197H (Inactive)
25 0:00:00.600000 unknown First occurance of linkset 1B0H (Active)
25 0:00:00.600000 unknown First occurance of linkset 197S (Active)
2265 0:00:54.360000 2014-09-18 16:30:17.088000 Updated members of link set 197H: DAB - C36B, C66B, C366, C361, C460, C36E, C560, C661, C363, C364, C362, C368
2267 0:00:54.408000 2014-09-18 16:30:17.136000 Updated members of link set 1B0H: DAB - C361, C661
26548 0:10:37.152000 2014-09-18 16:40:00.312000 Setting linkset 1B0H to Inactive
38370 0:15:20.880000 2014-09-18 16:44:43.536000 Setting linkset 1B0H to Active