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Block methods and attributes

Peter Corke edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 3 revisions

The Block object and its subclasses are key to bdsim.


Subclass Purpose
SourceBlock data source, outputs only
SinkBlock data sink, inputs only, but not graphical
GraphicsBlock data sink, inputs only, but graphical
FunctionBlock instantaneous function of inputs, no state
TransferBlock transfer function, has dynamics and state
SubsystemBlock represents a subsystem and its connections
ClockedBlock a discrete time block with states


Method name Called when Purpose
new at construction adds a reference to the owning block diagram
__init__ at construction processes common arguments
add_outport connecting connect wire to block output port
add_inport connecting connect wire to block input port
start simulation startup initialise the block ready for simulation, report events
check simulation startup sanity check block parameters like number of inputs, outputs, states etc.
done end of simulation clean up, write files, matplotlib block etc.
step every integrator time step save output/state information
output every integrator iteration return output of the block based on time, inputs, state
setinput every integrator iteration set block port input value
setinputs every integrator iteration set all block port input values
__getitem__ diagram construction create a plug by wire index or slice
__getattr__ diagram construction create a plug from block port name
__setitem__ diagram construction create a wire
__setattr__ diagram construction create a wire
rshift diagram construction operator creates wire between operand blocks/plugs
_fixname constructor turn LaTeX port names to valid Python identifier name
inport_names constructor set block input port names
outport_names constructor set block output port names
state_names constructor set block state names, they are used in output object and plots
sourcename Get the name of output port driving this input port
info print information about the block
isclocked true if the block is clocked

GraphicsBlock only

Method name Called when Purpose
savefig end of simulation GraphicsBlock only

TransferBlock and ClockedBlock only

Method name Called when Purpose
reset start of simulation copy initial state to current state
getstate0 start of simulation return initial state vector
setstate every integrator time step set state vector


Attribute name Purpose
nin number of input ports
nout number of output ports
nstates number of continuous-time states
ndstates number of discrete-time states
id unique sequential integer identifier, starts at 0
_clocked bool, true if block is clocked
_input_names list of names of input ports, includes LaTeX markup
_output_names list of names of output ports, includes LaTeX markup
_state_names list of names of states, includes LaTeX markup
inports list(nin) of wires connected to input ports
outports list(nout) of wires connected to output ports
_x current state vector
_x0 initial state vector, set at construction time