Make animated art by means of math and C code in your web browser.
This project implements a backend providing a web page, in which a formula can be developed (in C), then compiled by the backend as Webassembly, and returned to the browser for real-time rendering.
Re-implementation of MathVision with these technologies:
- Vue
- Bootstrap
- Processing.js
- asm.js (planned)
Sharing formulas will be done using Dropbox.
- Visit
- Click the Play button to play the boring default formula.
Paste this formula into the MathVue formula box:
#include <complex.h>
const int K = 3; // set to 1 for full size when recording
const double RATIO = 16. / 9.;
const int WIDTH = 1080/K; // 1920 would cause mem error
const int HEIGHT = (int)(1080/RATIO/K) & 0xfffe;
const double X_MIN = -4 * RATIO;
const double X_MAX = 4 * RATIO;
const double Y_MIN = -4;
const double Y_MAX = 4;
const int FPS = 60;
double t0 = 0;
void initialize() { t0 = 0; }
bool pre_draw(double t) {
if (t0 == 0) t0 = t;
return true;
int compute_pixel(double x, double y, double t) {
double complex z = x - y * I;
// these are the 3 significant lines of code:
double tt = cos((t - t0) * TWO_PI / FPS);
double complex z1 = z + 4*tt;
double complex z2 = 1 / (z - 4*tt);
return make_hsv_complex(z1 + z2);
You can record a video in WEBM format (better quality than in the above GIF).