Releases: paarnes/GNSS_Multipath_Analysis_Software
Releases · paarnes/GNSS_Multipath_Analysis_Software
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v1.5.0
- Enhanced Satellite Interpolation Algorithm: Significant improvements to the interpolation algorithm for precise satellite coordinates (SP3), ensuring higher accuracy.
- Changed from
Barycentric Lagrange interpolation
to usingNeville's algorithm
for interpolation.
- Changed from
- Improved SP3 File Reading: Enhanced the SP3 file reading routine to support returning data as a pandas DataFrame for easier manipulation and analysis.
- New Python class for Receiver Position Estimation: Added functionality to estimate approximate receiver coordinates using pseudoranges from the RINEX observation file (related to this feature request).
- BeiDou Satellite Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where the software failed when BeiDou had more than 60 satellites this issue
- Minor Bug Fixes: Addressed several smaller bugs to improve overall stability and performance.
- Code Refactoring: Refactored code for better readability, maintainability, and efficiency.
- Updated Documentation and Examples: Improved documentation and provided updated examples to guide users on how to effectively use the software.
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v1.4.5
- Increase robustness
- Update docs
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v1.4.4
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v.1.4.3
The biggest change in this PR is speed improvements. A 24-hour RINEX observation file (30s datarate) that took around 12 min to process before, now takes around 2 minutes due to the use of vectorization.
Utilize Vectorization for Signal Delay Estimations
- Implement vectorization for estimating signal delays to achieve significant speed improvements.
Enhancements in Cycle Slip Detection and Multipath Resetting
- Improve cycle slip detection and the resetting of multipath for each continuous arc.
Utilize Vectorization for Conversion/Interpolation Operations
- Implement vectorization when converting/interpolating from Kepler elements to Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinates and when converting GLONASS state vectors to ECEF. This optimization results in major speed improvements.
Utilize Vectorization for Satellite Elevation and Azimuth Computations
- Implement vectorization when computing satellite elevation and azimuth angles to achieve better performance.
Fix Bug in RinexNav Class
- Address a bug in the RinexNav class where the first epoch for the first satellite was being skipped.
Introduce Typing Hints in Main Function
- Enhance code readability and maintainability by incorporating typing hints in the main function.
Add Zstd Compression as User Option
- Provide users with the option to choose if one want to use Zstd compression for improved data storage.
Default SNR Analysis (Optional to Turn Off)
- Conduct SNR analysis by default, with the flexibility for users to turn it off if needed.
Code Refactoring
- Conduct necessary refactoring to enhance code structure and maintainability.
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v.1.4.2
- Prepare for pypi
- Better fontsize and figsize in plots
- Refactoring (remove trailing whitespace etc)
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v.1.4.0
This release includes the following changes:
- Fix bug in allocation position, azimuth and elevation angles if SP3 file is used. If no multipath estimates was possible all elevation angle become nan. This is now fixed.
- If signals have only zeros, they will be skipped completely. (speed improvement)
- Create a logger-file that logs warnings and errors.
- Fix progress compute satellite coordinates, elevation and azimuth angles (when broad nav is used)
- GLONASS FCN numbers is now read from Rinex navigation file.
- Speed improvements
- Output of readRinexNav is gathered in a dictionary
- Refactoring
- Fix the wrong index of the epoch flag in readRinex module
- Create a Pickle class for compressing, saving and reading a pickle file.
- The result file is now a compressed pickle file (compression ratio up to 30, but depends on the data)
- Wrap the reading function for RINEX nav inside a new class called RinexNav
- Add an argument for data rate in the reading routine for RINEX NAV files (to improve speed)
- Add a progress bar in the reading routine for RINEX NAV (part of the RinexNav class)
- Major improvements regarding stability, robustness, and handling different variants of RINEX observation files.
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v.1.3.0
Major improvement to robustness and stability.
Add automated test for:
- ECEF2geodb
- ECEF2enu
- compute_azimut_elev
- GNSS_Multipath_Analysis (testing the whole software)
- Fix bug if plotEstimates was set to FALSE. Results was not updated properly.
Other fixes and changes:
- make ECEF2geodb more robust by using arctan2
- prevent error when a code is removed from overview (range2_Code error ([]))
- make epoch counter more robust by using "startswith"
- some refactoring
- Add automated tests as a GitHub action. Trigger by pull requests to dev and master.
GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v.1.2.0
Fixes in v.1.2.0:
- Major improvments of the Rinex v2.xx reading routine (more robust)
- Add support for Signal To Noise Ratio (SNR) in the software
- Added plot that shows both SNR wrt time and elevation angle
- Added polarplot of SNR
- Latex no longer required to run the software (but its recommended to install Latex to make the text formatting in the plots prettier)
- Made barplot for systems with less than two obscodes prettier (not to thick bars)
- Fix a small bug in writeoutputfile for GLONASS
- Bug fix in the computeSatElevation angle. In previous releases angles got computed for satellite that was not visible in the current epoch. This is now fixed.
- Fix float formatting on colorbar in polar plot (now always only 1 decimal)
In this release, among other things, these issues are fixed: #3 and #6