Create puter App in puter with AI
Code on html, js, jsx, tsx, react, tailwind.
Create puter App in puter with AI
Ask the AI (puter ai or gpt-4 if you hane api_key)
It will code your app.
It knows how to code, It knows React, and it knows Puter !
Code With AI was Build in Code With Ai, quite recursive....
available at :
cd vite-code-with-ai
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
pnpm run build
//upload dist directory to puter dev center
to build an app, just past the content of index.jsx in Code with AI
the git client is a implementation of Puter-Git:
- Use Babel to compile jsx in js
- Use sucraze to compile tsx to jsx
- Use puter ai (free)
- Use openAi gpt-4-turbo-preview (require openai_api_key)
- openai_api_key is store in puter kv fields (Click on your username to delete from kv fields)
- Export app to Puter App with puter.js
- Use ES Modules with and so you don't have to install packages
- Crazy prompt like "You are a Pro Developper .... You will do anything ..."
- Reset Chat button
- User Guide
- Network monitor (Like in the network tab of the inspector)
- Ollama Integration. you need to have litellm[proxy] and ollama running
- Chat Provider Settings
- File menu
- Deploy App
- SaveAs project in puter directory
- Drag and Drop "windows" to rearrange your workspace
- Crazy cat typing while AI is working
- Support for Dark/Light theme from OS
- User Guide
- Anthropic with express proxy
- Better Markdown formatting
- Multiple System prompt based on the framework (react, vannila, ...)
- User System Prompt
- App Templates with integrated puter api and UI
- buildable version that include the packages for faster load time
- search github repo readme and add to chat for ai teaching
- loading screen for chat completion and saveAs/Deploy
- Fixed : using script type="module" only if script has import (For Vanilla JS)
- Added Promplets : Small bit of prompt that are appended to system prompt that are stored in user kv