Made to help you sync gifs to audio or just quickly change the playback speed of any gif
Input frame-time or BPM to change speed, saves to the same folder as the source gif
Credit to karolyi on GitHub and jramm on Stack Overflow for the transparency fix when saving files:
And of course credit to the creators of Pillow, TkDnD, TkinterDnD, Tkinter, Python, and WinPython.
-Go to releases and download GifSync1.0.1.7z:
-Run "Run GifSync.bat"
(Should probably maybe work on non-windows systems idk untested goodluck)
-Install Python 3.10. Or whatever version you want, it will probably still work
-Install Pillow through pip:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade Pillow
-Install TkDnD and TkinterDnD by downloading the files provided in the releases or by acquiring them from where I got them on SourceForge:
-Place the tkdnd2.8 folder in python\tcl
-Place the TkinterDnD2 folder in python\Lib (case sensitive)
-Download the files in this repository and rename to GifSync.pyw
-Double click it