Scripts related to NSIDC-0756: MEaSUREs BedMachine Antarctica, Version 2. This repository is a work in progress!
The scripts that are currently in this repository can be used to convert between geographic lat/lon and polar stereographic coordinates, and for interpolating BedMachine Antarctica data onto user-defined coordinates.
For example, one could interpolate bedrock elevation values from BedMachine
Antarctica onto a latitude/longitude grid. First, use the ll2xy
script to
convert lat/lon coordinates to polar stereographic coordinates. Then these
coordinates can be used as input for the interpBedmachineantarctica
script which
will interpolate BedMachine Antarctica values onto the input coordinates. The
scripts are available both as Matlab and python scripts, for further details
please see below.
- This repository is fully supported by NSIDC. If you discover any problems or bugs, please submit an Issue. If you would like to contribute to this repository, you may fork the repository and submit a pull request.
See the LICENSE for details on permissions and warranties. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Converts polar stereographic (x, y) coodinates to geodetic (latitude, longitude) coordinates.
Usage example for
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from xy2ll import xy2ll
ds = Dataset('')
xs = ds.variables['x'][:]
ys = ds.variables['y'][:]
# cast xs and ys as float. `xy2ll` will not return correct results
# otherwise.
xs = xs.astype(float)
ys = ys.astype(float)
lats, lons = xy2ll(
-1, # -1 is a flag indicating the southern hemisphere.
Converts geodetic (latitude, longitude) coordinates to polar sterographic (x, y) coordinates.
Interpolates values from the BedMachineAntarctica netcdf file onto requested (x, y) polar stereographic coordinates.
does not provide a perfect re-implementation
of interpBedMachineAntarctica.m
! When used with a to_x
array of <1000, this
code should perform in roughly the same way. When interpolating onto larger
grids, interpBedMachineAntarctica.m
uses a custom interpolation algorithm that
has not yet been implemented in Python.
Outputs from interpBedMachineAntarctica.m
have not been directly compared to
yet. Results may differ.
To use
, the requirements listed under
must be installed.
To create an environment with conda
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate interp_bedmachine
$ python
>>> from interp_bedmachine_antarctica import interp_bedmachine_antarctica
>>> import numpy as np
>>> to_x = np.linspace(-1666500.0, 1666500.0, 13332)
>>> to_y = np.linspace(-1666500.0, 1666500.0, 13332)
>>> variable = 'bed'
>>> bedmachine_nc_path = './'
>>> interpolated = interp_bedmachine_antarctica(
>>> interpolated
array([[-4442.84863281, -4442.40963504, -4441.97063731, ...,
386.82238055, 388.31525668, 389.80810547],
[-4442.15570974, -4441.8033949 , -4441.45106056, ...,
385.1755937 , 386.62244517, 388.06926655],
[-4441.46270859, -4441.19708971, -4440.93143181, ...,
383.52890537, 384.92973833, 386.33053843],
[-4019.93213131, -4021.66220741, -4023.39202323, ...,
241.79977309, 241.0239085 , 240.24799334],
[-4018.98273722, -4020.62648272, -4022.27007854, ...,
264.8464815 , 262.60142472, 260.35621881],
[-4018.03344727, -4019.59069298, -4021.14789963, ...,
287.89288765, 284.17862334, 280.46411133]])
% Input lat. and lon. and they can be an array or a list.
lat = [-84.72, -82.03; -83.96, -79.07];
lon = [92.41 ,85.11; 65.65, 77.67];
% For each lat., lon. calculate the stereographic coordinates
[x,y] = ll2xy(lat, lon, -1);
% Interpolate the Bedmachine values onto the coordinates
bed = interpBedmachineAntarctica(x,y,'bed');
See Code of Conduct.
This software was developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center with funding from multiple sources.