works for me AKA it's a non-portable house of cards
$ date
Thu Dec 17 01:03:08 AM CET 2020
$ tt add 15m water the dog
water the dog
duration: 0:15:00
finishes at: 2020-12-17 01:18:08
$ tt ls
1) water the dog
2020-12-17 01:18:08 (0:14:07.043797)
$ tt
1) water the dog
2020-12-17 01:18:08 (0:13:55.848844)
> rm 1
I have no clue how to play sounds from a terminal. It does this:
(actually, not even a terminal, because it runs as a daemon)
$ ffmpeg \
-i /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga \
-f wav \
- \
2> /dev/null \
| aplay -f cd --quiet 2> /dev/null
rough overview:
a client script (tt
) is invoked from the terminal
the client starts a daemon if it is not already running
the client sends the command to the daemon
the client exits
the daemon sounds the alarm when a timer reaches 0
running the client while an alarm is sounding turns the alarm off
the client and daemon talk through zmq (tbh http probably makes more sense)
there is no persistence, alarms are held in memory by the daemon so if it exits for any reason they're lost