Text subtitutions generator for MacOS.
This thing will get your a valid text substitutions plist file created from csv. for example, a srouce file like this:
sHoRt;Very Long Substitution
OMG;Oh my god
Will end up being:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Very Long Substitution</string>
<string>Oh my god</string>
- Create a csv where each line is constructed with: shortprase;longphrase
- Run generate_text_subtitutions_plist.sh .csv to generate .plist
- Navigate to MacOS/Settings/Keyboard/Text, and simply drag & drop the generated file into your text substitutions list area.
- Magic.
Options: delimteter - add a single character delimeter as debug - add debug as a parameter, and this will print instead of write delimeter - add
./generate_text_subtitutions_plist .csv debug
- will not write, just show.
./generate_text_subtitutions_plist .csv xml
- output xml file instead of .plist
./generate_text_subtitutions_plist .csv ","
- use comma as delimtetr instead of ;. Should work with most common delimeter types, but please note that # can be tricky.
./generate_text_subtitutions_plist .csv ":" txt
- use colon as delimeter and output to a .txt file (will still be XML)
./generate_text_subtitutions_plist .csv "/" dat debug
- use / as delimeter, would output to a .dat file, if debug weren't added (no write, just print out).
There's a few validation options where keys / values with multiple delimeters will be higlighted as warnings, but no XML validation is happening, .e.g characters that can break XML will break this one too. Caution with < > and alike please. Also filtering shorts with spaces in them.