app: server side code
build: scripts for building the website
assets: client side sources
static: files for building the public folder
node_modules: npm packages (auto generated)
exports: project exports (auto generated)
public: public stuff (auto generated)
server side:
- dependencies: Composer
- framework: Slim 3
- templating: Twig 2
client side:
- dependencies: NPM
- CSS: Sass
- JS: ES6
build : Webpack / NPM
PHP 5.5+
- Install composer https://getcomposer.org/
- Install Node.js https://nodejs.org/
Install php packages:
composer install
Install js packages:
npm install
Launch: npm run dev
Launch production task for optimizing assets: npm run prod
Export a package: npm run export-dist
Inside the exports/dist/ folder, there is the exported package with these folders:
- app/
- public/
Push these folders online at the root.
Some files are not in the export.
You have to configure them manualy:
- public/.htaccess