We have http://data.gov.au to help find Australian Government open data sets, but there doesn't appear to be an register for open software that has been released or contributed to by Australian Government agencies.
As a first starting point:
- Australian Capital Territory Electoral Commission (http://www.elections.act.gov.au)
- http://www.elections.act.gov.au/elections_and_voting/electronic_voting_and_counting
- Data.gov.au (http://data.gov.au/)
- https://github.com/datagovau
- Geoscience Australia (http://www.ga.gov.au/)
- National Archives (http://www.naa.gov.au/)
- National Library Australia (https://www.nla.gov.au/)
- ...
What fields would be useful in a register?
- Agency Name
- Project Name
- Description
- repository
- licence
- ...
What about projects that agencies contribute to?