multiprofit is a Python astronomical source modelling code made by and for LSST Data Management. MultiProFit means Multiple Profile Fitting. The multi-aspects can be multi-object, multi-component, multi-band, multi-instrument, and someday multi-epoch.
multiprofit can fit any kind of imaging data while modelling sources and convolution kernels as Gaussian mixtures, including approximations to Sersic profiles. It is fast and flexible and comes with interfaces for batch fitting of images with corresponding detection catalogs.
multiprofit requires Python 3 and uses gauss2d and gauss2d_fit to evaluate models. It can be set up as part of the Rubin/LSST Science Pipelines using eups, or installed as a standalone package with pip. It is recommended but not required to use a conda environment with the latter approach.
MultiProFit was originally inspired by ProFit. It was initially built to use either GalSim or libprofit via pyprofit as rendering backends but now exclusively uses gauss2d.