Common functions for C++ development.
To get history data, and faster/lower bandwidth communication, OSPL shall be run on a machine for multiple users. For that, /tmp/ispddskey_XXXXXX file shall be accessible to users requiring OSPL access. Please see OSPL_SETUP.md for details.
Provides abstract Command class. This shall be enqued into ControllerThread internal Command queue. ControllerThread command queue is thread safe (access to it is guarded by mutex and condition_variable). Please see ControllerThread tests for examples.
ILC (Inner-Loop Controller) is a board used on various M1M3 subsystems. ILCs are commanded through serial Modbus connection. The connections are organized on buses, operating on master-worker bus. Either unicasts or broadcasts commands are supported. Broadcasts commands obviously doesn't return anything.
After command is send on ModBus, received data are held in a per bus dedicated FIFO. Request code is available to copy content of this FIFO into response FIFO. Synchronization of sending/receiving is done in FPGA class.
Response data are passed to ILC subclass in processResponse call. This method check if responses matches non-broadcast request functions and addresses stored in commanded buffer.
Data are send and received via Common FPGA Modbus module. Please see it for details how Modbus frames are written as UINT 16 values on command FIFO and how data are received from response FIFO.
ILC Modbus communication is described in LTS-646. Please see it for detailed description of ILC functions.
ILCs are commanded using custom Modbus functions, which is assigning the following codes (both decimal and hexadecimal code values are shown):
ILCs provides those generic functions:
Code | Hex | Error | Description |
17 | 0x11 | 145 | Report Server ID |
18 | 0x12 | 146 | Report Server Status |
65 | 0x41 | 193 | Change ILC Mode |
72 | 0x48 | 200 | Set Temp ILC Address |
107 | 0x6b | 235 | Reset Server |
Code | Hex | Description |
100 | 0x64 | Write Application Stats - writes CRC etc. after flashing) |
101 | 0x65 | Erase ILC application |
102 | 0x66 | Write Application Page |
103 | 0x67 | Write Verify Application |
Code | Hex | Description |
68 | 0x44 | Freeze Sensor Values |
73 | 0x49 | Set Boost Value DCA Gains |
74 | 0x4a | Read Boost Value DCA Gains |
75 | 0x4b | Force Demand |
76 | 0x4c | Force & Status |
80 | 0x50 | Set ADC scanrate |
110 | 0x6e | Read callibration |
119 | 0x77 | Read mezzanine pressure sensors |
120 | 0x78 | Report DCA ID |
121 | 0x79 | Report DCA Status |
Code | Hex | Description |
66 | 0x42 | Step motor move |
67 | 0x4c | Force & Status |
68 | 0x44 | Freeze Sensor Values |
80 | 0x50 | Set ADC scanrate |
81 | 0x51 | Set ADC Ch Offsets & Sensors |
110 | 0x6e | Read callibration |
Code | Hex | Description |
119 | 0x77 | Read mezzanine pressure sensor |
120 | 0x78 | Report mezzanine DCP ID |
121 | 0x79 | Report mezzanine DCP Status |
122 | 0x7a | Read DCP mezzanine board LVDT instruments |
Code | Hex | Error | Description |
88 | 0x58 | 216 | Thermal demand |
89 | 0x59 | 217 | Thermal status |
Commands are written into 2 bytes (16 bits) commandQueue FIFO in the following format:
Offse | Description |
0 | Command - see FPGA code for details |
1 | payload length |
2-data length | payload bytes |
Where payload for Modbus uses highest 7 bits for operation code, next 8 bits for data, and last bit as start bit (shall be always 0). See Support System FPGA and Thermal System FPGA for details.