Visual studio code plugin containing Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4 & Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro snippets. This plugin works in both in the stable & the insiders build
Feel free to let me know what else you want added via the issues
Suggestions, feedback and other comments welcome via @thekalinga on Twitter.
- Install plugin
- Press
, pasteext install bootstrap4-vscode
& then pressenter
(or) - Goto extensions by pressing
(Windows/Linux) orCmd-Shift-X
(Mac) & Search forBootstrap 4 & Font awesome
, click on install - Reload your editor
You are good to go
To use the bootstrap snippets, open a HTML file, and start typing b4-
, followed by pressing Ctrl+Space
. A list of bootstrap snippets will show up
To use font awesome 4 snippets, open a HTML file, and start typing fa4-
, the editor will show you all the snippets
To use font awesome 5 free snippets, open a HTML file, and start typing fa5-
, the editor will show you all the snippets
To use font awesome 5 pro snippets, open a HTML file, and start typing fa5p-
, the editor will show you all the snippets
The detailed list of supported actions are listed below under documentation section
- Clone this repo
- To modify bootstrap snippets, you can find the templates for each snippet under
. These Html snippets must follow sublime text snippet format. There is no need to updatesnippets.json
manually. The build will take care of regenerating this file from template files. - If you need to change
, you should modify their templates (which are used to generate the root level files) undersrc/util/resources
. For eg., If you wantpackage.json
at the root to be modified, you should changepackage-template.json
. These root levelpackage.json
are regenerated for every build from their corresponding templates. - To modify font awesome snippets, you would need to modify
- Send me a pull request
See here
Trigger | Description |
$ | Bootstrap master template |
Trigger | Description |
alert-additional-content | Alert additional content |
alert-closable | Alert closable |
alert-default | Alert default |
alert-dismissible | Alert dismissible |
alert-link | Alert link |
Trigger | Description |
badge-button | Badge button |
badge-default | Badge default |
badge-heading | Badge heading |
badge-link | Badge link |
badge-pill | Badge pill |
Trigger | Description |
bgroup-default | Button group default |
bgroup-dropdown-vertical | Button group dropdown vertical |
bgroup-dropdown | Button group dropdown |
bgroup-size | Button group size |
bgroup-toolbar | Button group toolbar |
Trigger | Description |
breadcrumb-default | Breadcrumb default |
breadcrumb-list | Breadcrumb list |
Trigger | Description |
button-a | Button with link |
button-block | Button block |
button-checkbox | Button checkbox |
button-default | Button default |
button-disabled-a | Button disabled with link |
button-input | Button input |
button-outline | Button outline |
button-radio | Button radio |
button-sizes | Button sizes |
button-toggle | Button toggle |
Trigger | Description |
card-align | Card align |
card-background-custom | Card background custom |
card-background | Card background |
card-blockquote | Card blockquote |
card-border | Card border |
card-columns | Card columns |
card-decks | Card decks |
card-default | Card default |
card-grid | Card grid |
card-groups | Card groups |
card-head-foot | Card head foot |
card-links | Card links |
card-list | Card list |
card-overlay | Card overlay |
card-pill-head | Card pill head |
card-subtitle | Card subtitle |
card-tab-head | Card tab head |
Trigger | Description |
carousel-caption | Carousel caption |
carousel-default | Carousel default |
Trigger | Description |
collapse-accordion | Collapse accordion |
collapse-button | Collapse button |
collapse-default | Collapse default |
Trigger | Description |
dropdown-alignment | Dropdown alignment |
dropdown-anchor | Dropdown anchor |
dropdown-button | Dropdown button |
dropdown-colored | Dropdown colored |
dropdown-default | Dropdown default |
dropdown-sized | Dropdown sized |
dropdown-split | Dropdown split |
dropdown-up-split | Dropdown up split |
dropdown-up | Dropdown up |
Trigger | Description |
form-checkbox-custom | Form checkbox custom |
form-checkbox-inline | Form checkbox inline |
form-checkbox-nolabel | Form checkbox nolabel |
form-checkbox | Form checkbox |
form-email | Form email |
form-file-custom | Form file custom |
form-file | Form file |
form-grid | Form grid |
form-group-text | Form group text |
form-group | Form group |
form-help-text-inline | Form help text inline |
form-help-text | Form help text |
form-hidden | Form hidden |
form-inline | Form inline |
form-input-sizing | Form input sizing |
form-input-text | Form input text |
form-input | Form input |
form-multi-select-custom | Form multi select custom |
form-multi-select | Form multi select |
form-multil-select-sizing | Form multil select sizing |
form-password | Form password |
form-radio-custom | Form radio custom |
form-radio-inline | Form radio inline |
form-radio-nolabel | Form radio nolabel |
form-radio | Form radio |
form-reset | Form reset |
form-select-custom | Form select custom |
form-select-sizing | Form select sizing |
form-select | Form select |
form-submit | Form submit |
form-textarea | Form textarea |
form-validation | Form validation |
Trigger | Description |
igroup-button | Input group button |
igroup-checkbox-radio | Input group checkbox radio |
igroup-dropdown-segmented | Input group dropdown segmented |
igroup-dropdown | Input group dropdown |
igroup-size | Input group size |
igroup-text-both | Input group text both |
igroup-text-prefix | Input group text prefix |
igroup-text-sufix | Input group text sufix |
Trigger | Description |
jumbotron-default | Jumbotron default |
jumbotron-fluid | Jumbotron fluid |
Trigger | Description |
list-a | List with link |
list-badge | List badge |
list-button | List button |
list-colors | List colors |
list-custom | List custom |
list-default | List default |
Trigger | Description |
modal-customize | Modal customize |
modal-default | Modal default |
modal-grid | Modal grid |
modal-sizes | Modal sizes |
Trigger | Description |
nav-a | Nav with link |
nav-complete | Nav complete |
nav-tabs-pills-a-variation | Nav tabs pills with link variation |
nav-tabs-pills-dropdown | Nav tabs pills dropdown |
nav-tabs-pills-ul-variation | Nav tabs pills with unordered list variation |
nav-ul | Nav with unordered list |
Trigger | Description |
navbar-background-color | Navbar background color |
navbar-background | Navbar background |
navbar-default | Navbar default |
navbar-minimal-a | Navbar minimal with link |
navbar-minimal-ul | Navbar minimal with unordered list |
navbar-non-responsive | Navbar non responsive |
navbar-placement | Navbar placement |
Trigger | Description |
pagination-alignment | Pagination alignment |
pagination-default | Pagination default |
pagination-sized | Pagination sized |
Trigger | Description |
popover-default | Popover default |
popover-direction | Popover direction |
popover-dismissable | Popover dismissable |
Trigger | Description |
progress-colored | Progress colored |
progress-default | Progress default |
progress-ie9 | Progress ie9 |
progress-striped | Progress striped |
Trigger | Description |
scrollspy-default | Scrollspy default |
Trigger | Description |
tooltip-default | Tooltip default |
Trigger | Description |
figure-default | Figure default |
Trigger | Description |
image-default | Image default |
Trigger | Description |
table-default | Table default |
table-special | Table special |
Trigger | Description |
typography-blockquote-reverse | Typography blockquote reverse |
typography-blockquote | Typography blockquote |
typography-description-list | Typography description list |
typography-display-heading | Typography display heading |
typography-lead | Typography lead |
typography-list-inline | Typography list inline |
typography-list-unstyled | Typography list unstyled |
typography-muted-text | Typography muted text |
Trigger | Description |
grid-col | Grid column |
grid-container-fluid | Grid container fluid |
grid-container | Grid container |
grid-default | Grid default |
grid-row | Grid row |
Trigger | Description |
media-bottom | Media bottom |
media-default | Media default |
media-list | Media list |
media-middle | Media middle |
media-nesting | Media nesting |
media-right | Media right |
media-top | Media top |
Trigger | Description |
responsive-hide-down | Responsive hide down |
responsive-hide-up | Responsive hide up |
responsive-print-show | Responsive print show |
Trigger |
500px |
address-book |
address-book-o |
address-card |
address-card-o |
adjust |
adn |
align-center |
align-justify |
align-left |
align-right |
amazon |
ambulance |
american-sign-language-interpreting |
anchor |
android |
angellist |
angle-double-down |
angle-double-left |
angle-double-right |
angle-double-up |
angle-down |
angle-left |
angle-right |
angle-up |
apple |
archive |
area-chart |
arrow-circle-down |
arrow-circle-left |
arrow-circle-o-down |
arrow-circle-o-left |
arrow-circle-o-right |
arrow-circle-o-up |
arrow-circle-right |
arrow-circle-up |
arrow-down |
arrow-left |
arrow-right |
arrows |
arrows-alt |
arrows-h |
arrows-v |
arrow-up |
asl-interpreting |
assistive-listening-systems |
asterisk |
at |
audio-description |
automobile |
backward |
balance-scale |
ban |
bandcamp |
bank |
bar-chart |
bar-chart-o |
barcode |
bars |
bath |
bathtub |
battery |
battery-0 |
battery-1 |
battery-2 |
battery-3 |
battery-4 |
battery-empty |
battery-full |
battery-half |
battery-quarter |
battery-three-quarters |
bed |
beer |
behance |
behance-square |
bell |
bell-o |
bell-slash |
bell-slash-o |
bicycle |
binoculars |
birthday-cake |
bitbucket |
bitbucket-square |
bitcoin |
black-tie |
blind |
bluetooth |
bluetooth-b |
bold |
bolt |
bomb |
book |
bookmark |
bookmark-o |
braille |
briefcase |
btc |
bug |
building |
building-o |
bullhorn |
bullseye |
bus |
buysellads |
cab |
calculator |
calendar |
calendar-check-o |
calendar-minus-o |
calendar-o |
calendar-plus-o |
calendar-times-o |
camera |
camera-retro |
car |
caret-down |
caret-left |
caret-right |
caret-square-o-down |
caret-square-o-left |
caret-square-o-right |
caret-square-o-up |
caret-up |
cart-arrow-down |
cart-plus |
cc |
cc-amex |
cc-diners-club |
cc-discover |
cc-jcb |
cc-mastercard |
cc-paypal |
cc-stripe |
cc-visa |
certificate |
chain |
chain-broken |
check |
check-circle |
check-circle-o |
check-square |
check-square-o |
chevron-circle-down |
chevron-circle-left |
chevron-circle-right |
chevron-circle-up |
chevron-down |
chevron-left |
chevron-right |
chevron-up |
child |
chrome |
circle |
circle-o |
circle-o-notch |
circle-thin |
clipboard |
clock-o |
clone |
close |
cloud |
cloud-download |
cloud-upload |
cny |
code |
code-fork |
codepen |
codiepie |
coffee |
cog |
cogs |
columns |
comment |
commenting |
commenting-o |
comment-o |
comments |
comments-o |
compass |
compress |
connectdevelop |
contao |
copy |
copyright |
creative-commons |
credit-card |
credit-card-alt |
crop |
crosshairs |
css3 |
cube |
cubes |
cut |
cutlery |
dashboard |
dashcube |
database |
deaf |
deafness |
dedent |
delicious |
desktop |
deviantart |
diamond |
digg |
dollar |
dot-circle-o |
download |
dribbble |
drivers-license |
drivers-license-o |
dropbox |
drupal |
edge |
edit |
eercast |
eject |
ellipsis-h |
ellipsis-v |
empire |
envelope |
envelope-o |
envelope-open |
envelope-open-o |
envelope-square |
envira |
eraser |
etsy |
eur |
euro |
exchange |
exclamation |
exclamation-circle |
exclamation-triangle |
expand |
expeditedssl |
external-link |
external-link-square |
eye |
eyedropper |
eye-slash |
fa |
facebook-f |
facebook-official |
facebook-square |
fast-backward |
fast-forward |
fax |
feed |
female |
fighter-jet |
file |
file-archive-o |
file-audio-o |
file-code-o |
file-excel-o |
file-image-o |
file-movie-o |
file-o |
file-pdf-o |
file-photo-o |
file-picture-o |
file-powerpoint-o |
files-o |
file-sound-o |
file-text |
file-text-o |
file-video-o |
file-word-o |
file-zip-o |
film |
filter |
fire |
fire-extinguisher |
firefox |
first-order |
flag |
flag-checkered |
flag-o |
flash |
flask |
flickr |
floppy-o |
folder |
folder-o |
folder-open |
folder-open-o |
font |
font-awesome |
fonticons |
fort-awesome |
forumbee |
forward |
foursquare |
free-code-camp |
frown-o |
futbol-o |
gamepad |
gavel |
gbp |
ge |
gear |
gears |
genderless |
get-pocket |
gg |
gg-circle |
gift |
git |
github |
github-alt |
github-square |
gitlab |
git-square |
gittip |
glass |
glide |
glide-g |
globe |
google-plus |
google-plus-circle |
google-plus-official |
google-plus-square |
google-wallet |
graduation-cap |
gratipay |
grav |
group |
hacker-news |
hand-grab-o |
hand-lizard-o |
hand-o-down |
hand-o-left |
hand-o-right |
hand-o-up |
hand-paper-o |
hand-peace-o |
hand-pointer-o |
hand-rock-o |
hand-scissors-o |
handshake-o |
hand-spock-o |
hand-stop-o |
hard-of-hearing |
hashtag |
hdd-o |
header |
headphones |
heart |
heartbeat |
heart-o |
history |
home |
hospital-o |
hotel |
hourglass |
hourglass-1 |
hourglass-2 |
hourglass-3 |
hourglass-end |
hourglass-half |
hourglass-o |
hourglass-start |
houzz |
h-square |
html5 |
i-cursor |
id-badge |
id-card |
id-card-o |
ils |
image |
imdb |
inbox |
indent |
industry |
info |
info-circle |
inr |
institution |
internet-explorer |
intersex |
ioxhost |
italic |
joomla |
jpy |
jsfiddle |
key |
keyboard-o |
krw |
language |
laptop |
lastfm |
lastfm-square |
leaf |
leanpub |
legal |
lemon-o |
level-down |
level-up |
life-bouy |
life-buoy |
life-ring |
life-saver |
lightbulb-o |
line-chart |
link |
linkedin-square |
linode |
linux |
list |
list-alt |
list-ol |
list-ul |
location-arrow |
lock |
long-arrow-down |
long-arrow-left |
long-arrow-right |
long-arrow-up |
low-vision |
magic |
magnet |
mail-forward |
mail-reply |
mail-reply-all |
male |
map |
map-marker |
map-o |
map-pin |
map-signs |
mars |
mars-double |
mars-stroke |
mars-stroke-h |
mars-stroke-v |
maxcdn |
meanpath |
medium |
medkit |
meetup |
meh-o |
mercury |
microchip |
microphone |
microphone-slash |
minus |
minus-circle |
minus-square |
minus-square-o |
mixcloud |
mobile |
mobile-phone |
modx |
money |
moon-o |
mortar-board |
motorcycle |
mouse-pointer |
music |
navicon |
neuter |
newspaper-o |
object-group |
object-ungroup |
odnoklassniki |
odnoklassniki-square |
opencart |
openid |
opera |
optin-monster |
outdent |
pagelines |
paint-brush |
paperclip |
paper-plane |
paper-plane-o |
paragraph |
paste |
pause |
pause-circle |
pause-circle-o |
paw |
paypal |
pencil |
pencil-square |
pencil-square-o |
percent |
phone |
phone-square |
photo |
picture-o |
pie-chart |
pied-piper |
pied-piper-alt |
pied-piper-pp |
pinterest-p |
pinterest-square |
plane |
play |
play-circle |
play-circle-o |
plug |
plus |
plus-circle |
plus-square |
plus-square-o |
podcast |
power-off |
product-hunt |
puzzle-piece |
qrcode |
question |
question-circle |
question-circle-o |
quora |
quote-left |
quote-right |
ra |
random |
ravelry |
rebel |
recycle |
reddit-alien |
reddit-square |
refresh |
registered |
remove |
renren |
reorder |
repeat |
reply |
reply-all |
resistance |
retweet |
rmb |
road |
rocket |
rotate-left |
rotate-right |
rouble |
rss |
rss-square |
rub |
ruble |
rupee |
s15 |
safari |
save |
scissors |
scribd |
search |
search-minus |
search-plus |
sellsy |
send |
send-o |
server |
share |
share-alt |
share-alt-square |
share-square |
share-square-o |
shekel |
sheqel |
shield |
ship |
shirtsinbulk |
shopping-bag |
shopping-basket |
shopping-cart |
shower |
signal |
signing |
sign-language |
sign-out |
simplybuilt |
sitemap |
skyatlas |
skype |
slack |
sliders |
slideshare |
smile-o |
snapchat |
snapchat-ghost |
snapchat-square |
snowflake-o |
soccer-ball-o |
sort |
sort-alpha-asc |
sort-alpha-desc |
sort-amount-asc |
sort-amount-desc |
sort-asc |
sort-desc |
sort-down |
sort-numeric-asc |
sort-numeric-desc |
sort-up |
soundcloud |
space-shuttle |
spinner |
spoon |
spotify |
square |
square-o |
stack-exchange |
stack-overflow |
star |
star-half |
star-half-empty |
star-half-full |
star-half-o |
star-o |
steam |
steam-square |
step-backward |
step-forward |
stethoscope |
sticky-note |
sticky-note-o |
stop |
stop-circle |
stop-circle-o |
street-view |
strikethrough |
stumbleupon |
stumbleupon-circle |
subscript |
subway |
suitcase |
sun-o |
superpowers |
superscript |
support |
table |
tablet |
tachometer |
tag |
tags |
tasks |
taxi |
telegram |
television |
tencent-weibo |
terminal |
text-height |
text-width |
th |
themeisle |
thermometer |
thermometer-0 |
thermometer-1 |
thermometer-2 |
thermometer-3 |
thermometer-4 |
thermometer-empty |
thermometer-full |
thermometer-half |
thermometer-quarter |
thermometer-three-quarters |
th-large |
th-list |
thumbs-down |
thumbs-o-down |
thumbs-o-up |
thumbs-up |
thumb-tack |
ticket |
times |
times-circle |
times-circle-o |
times-rectangle |
times-rectangle-o |
tint |
toggle-down |
toggle-left |
toggle-off |
toggle-on |
toggle-right |
toggle-up |
trademark |
train |
transgender |
transgender-alt |
trash |
trash-o |
tree |
trello |
tripadvisor |
trophy |
truck |
try |
tty |
tumblr |
tumblr-square |
turkish-lira |
tv |
twitch |
twitter-square |
umbrella |
underline |
undo |
universal-access |
university |
unlink |
unlock |
unlock-alt |
unsorted |
upload |
usb |
usd |
user |
user-circle |
user-circle-o |
user-md |
user-o |
user-plus |
users |
user-secret |
user-times |
vcard |
vcard-o |
venus |
venus-double |
venus-mars |
viacoin |
viadeo |
viadeo-square |
video-camera |
vimeo |
vimeo-square |
vine |
vk |
volume-control-phone |
volume-down |
volume-off |
volume-up |
warning |
weixin |
wheelchair |
wheelchair-alt |
wifi |
wikipedia-w |
window-close |
window-close-o |
window-maximize |
window-minimize |
window-restore |
windows |
won |
wordpress |
wpbeginner |
wpexplorer |
wpforms |
wrench |
xing-square |
yahoo |
yc |
y-combinator |
y-combinator-square |
yc-square |
yelp |
yen |
yoast |
youtube |
youtube-play |
youtube-square |
Trigger |
500px |
accessible-icon |
accusoft |
address-book |
address-card |
adjust |
adn |
adversal |
affiliatetheme |
algolia |
align-center |
align-justify |
align-left |
align-right |
amazon |
amazon-pay |
ambulance |
american-sign-language-interpreting |
amilia |
anchor |
android |
angellist |
angle-double-down |
angle-double-left |
angle-double-right |
angle-double-up |
angle-down |
angle-left |
angle-right |
angle-up |
angrycreative |
angular |
app-store |
app-store-ios |
apper |
apple |
apple-pay |
archive |
arrow-alt-circle-down |
arrow-alt-circle-left |
arrow-alt-circle-right |
arrow-alt-circle-up |
arrow-circle-down |
arrow-circle-left |
arrow-circle-right |
arrow-circle-up |
arrow-down |
arrow-left |
arrow-right |
arrow-up |
arrows-alt |
arrows-alt-h |
arrows-alt-v |
assistive-listening-systems |
asterisk |
asymmetrik |
at |
audible |
audio-description |
autoprefixer |
avianex |
aviato |
aws |
backward |
balance-scale |
ban |
bandcamp |
barcode |
bars |
baseball-ball |
basketball-ball |
bath |
battery-empty |
battery-full |
battery-half |
battery-quarter |
battery-three-quarters |
bed |
beer |
behance |
behance-square |
bell |
bell-slash |
bicycle |
bimobject |
binoculars |
birthday-cake |
bitbucket |
bitcoin |
bity |
black-tie |
blackberry |
blind |
blogger |
blogger-b |
bluetooth |
bluetooth-b |
bold |
bolt |
bomb |
book |
bookmark |
bowling-ball |
braille |
briefcase |
btc |
bug |
building |
bullhorn |
bullseye |
buromobelexperte |
bus |
buysellads |
calculator |
calendar |
calendar-alt |
calendar-check |
calendar-minus |
calendar-plus |
calendar-times |
camera |
camera-retro |
car |
caret-down |
caret-left |
caret-right |
caret-square-down |
caret-square-left |
caret-square-right |
caret-square-up |
caret-up |
cart-arrow-down |
cart-plus |
cc-amazon-pay |
cc-amex |
cc-apple-pay |
cc-diners-club |
cc-discover |
cc-jcb |
cc-mastercard |
cc-paypal |
cc-stripe |
cc-visa |
centercode |
certificate |
chart-area |
chart-bar |
chart-line |
chart-pie |
check |
check-circle |
check-square |
chess |
chess-bishop |
chess-board |
chess-king |
chess-knight |
chess-pawn |
chess-queen |
chess-rook |
chevron-circle-down |
chevron-circle-left |
chevron-circle-right |
chevron-circle-up |
chevron-down |
chevron-left |
chevron-right |
chevron-up |
child |
chrome |
circle |
circle-notch |
clipboard |
clock |
clone |
closed-captioning |
cloud |
cloud-download-alt |
cloud-upload-alt |
cloudscale |
cloudsmith |
cloudversify |
code |
code-branch |
codepen |
codiepie |
coffee |
cog |
cogs |
columns |
comment |
comment-alt |
comments |
compass |
compress |
connectdevelop |
contao |
copy |
copyright |
cpanel |
creative-commons |
credit-card |
crop |
crosshairs |
css3 |
css3-alt |
cube |
cubes |
cut |
cuttlefish |
d-and-d |
dashcube |
database |
deaf |
delicious |
deploydog |
deskpro |
desktop |
deviantart |
digg |
digital-ocean |
discord |
discourse |
dochub |
docker |
dollar-sign |
dot-circle |
download |
draft2digital |
dribbble |
dribbble-square |
dropbox |
drupal |
dyalog |
earlybirds |
edge |
edit |
eject |
elementor |
ellipsis-h |
ellipsis-v |
ember |
empire |
envelope |
envelope-open |
envelope-square |
envira |
eraser |
erlang |
ethereum |
etsy |
euro-sign |
exchange-alt |
exclamation |
exclamation-circle |
exclamation-triangle |
expand |
expand-arrows-alt |
expeditedssl |
external-link-alt |
external-link-square-alt |
eye |
eye-dropper |
eye-slash |
facebook-f |
facebook-messenger |
facebook-square |
fast-backward |
fast-forward |
fax |
female |
fighter-jet |
file |
file-alt |
file-archive |
file-audio |
file-code |
file-excel |
file-image |
file-pdf |
file-powerpoint |
file-video |
file-word |
film |
filter |
fire |
fire-extinguisher |
firefox |
first-order |
firstdraft |
flag |
flag-checkered |
flask |
flickr |
fly |
folder |
folder-open |
font |
font-awesome |
font-awesome-alt |
font-awesome-flag |
fonticons |
fonticons-fi |
football-ball |
fort-awesome |
fort-awesome-alt |
forumbee |
forward |
foursquare |
free-code-camp |
freebsd |
frown |
futbol |
gamepad |
gavel |
gem |
genderless |
get-pocket |
gg |
gg-circle |
gift |
git |
git-square |
github |
github-alt |
github-square |
gitkraken |
gitlab |
gitter |
glass-martini |
glide |
glide-g |
globe |
gofore |
golf-ball |
goodreads |
goodreads-g |
google-drive |
google-play |
google-plus |
google-plus-g |
google-plus-square |
google-wallet |
graduation-cap |
gratipay |
grav |
gripfire |
grunt |
gulp |
h-square |
hacker-news |
hacker-news-square |
hand-lizard |
hand-paper |
hand-peace |
hand-point-down |
hand-point-left |
hand-point-right |
hand-point-up |
hand-pointer |
hand-rock |
hand-scissors |
hand-spock |
handshake |
hashtag |
hdd |
heading |
headphones |
heart |
heartbeat |
hips |
hire-a-helper |
history |
hockey-puck |
home |
hooli |
hospital |
hotjar |
hourglass |
hourglass-end |
hourglass-half |
hourglass-start |
houzz |
html5 |
hubspot |
i-cursor |
id-badge |
id-card |
image |
images |
imdb |
inbox |
indent |
industry |
info |
info-circle |
internet-explorer |
ioxhost |
italic |
itunes |
itunes-note |
jenkins |
joget |
joomla |
js |
js-square |
jsfiddle |
key |
keyboard |
keycdn |
kickstarter |
kickstarter-k |
korvue |
language |
laptop |
laravel |
lastfm |
lastfm-square |
leaf |
leanpub |
lemon |
less |
level-down-alt |
level-up-alt |
life-ring |
lightbulb |
line |
link |
linkedin-in |
linode |
linux |
lira-sign |
list |
list-alt |
list-ol |
list-ul |
location-arrow |
lock |
lock-open |
long-arrow-alt-down |
long-arrow-alt-left |
long-arrow-alt-right |
long-arrow-alt-up |
low-vision |
lyft |
magento |
magic |
magnet |
male |
map |
map-marker |
map-marker-alt |
map-pin |
map-signs |
mars |
mars-double |
mars-stroke |
mars-stroke-h |
mars-stroke-v |
maxcdn |
medapps |
medium |
medium-m |
medkit |
medrt |
meetup |
meh |
mercury |
microchip |
microphone |
microphone-slash |
microsoft |
minus |
minus-circle |
minus-square |
mix |
mixcloud |
mizuni |
mobile |
mobile-alt |
modx |
monero |
money-bill-alt |
moon |
motorcycle |
mouse-pointer |
music |
napster |
neuter |
newspaper |
nintendo-switch |
node |
node-js |
npm |
ns8 |
nutritionix |
object-group |
object-ungroup |
odnoklassniki |
odnoklassniki-square |
opencart |
openid |
opera |
optin-monster |
osi |
outdent |
page4 |
pagelines |
paint-brush |
palfed |
paper-plane |
paperclip |
paragraph |
paste |
patreon |
pause |
pause-circle |
paw |
paypal |
pen-square |
pencil-alt |
percent |
periscope |
phabricator |
phoenix-framework |
phone |
phone-square |
phone-volume |
php |
pied-piper |
pied-piper-alt |
pied-piper-pp |
pinterest-p |
pinterest-square |
plane |
play |
play-circle |
playstation |
plug |
plus |
plus-circle |
plus-square |
podcast |
pound-sign |
power-off |
product-hunt |
pushed |
puzzle-piece |
python |
qrcode |
question |
question-circle |
quidditch |
quinscape |
quora |
quote-left |
quote-right |
random |
ravelry |
react |
rebel |
recycle |
red-river |
reddit-alien |
reddit-square |
redo |
redo-alt |
registered |
rendact |
renren |
reply |
reply-all |
replyd |
resolving |
retweet |
road |
rocket |
rocketchat |
rockrms |
rss |
rss-square |
ruble-sign |
rupee-sign |
safari |
sass |
save |
schlix |
scribd |
search |
search-minus |
search-plus |
searchengin |
sellcast |
sellsy |
server |
servicestack |
share |
share-alt |
share-alt-square |
share-square |
shekel-sign |
shield-alt |
ship |
shirtsinbulk |
shopping-bag |
shopping-basket |
shopping-cart |
shower |
-alt |
sign-language |
sign-out-alt |
signal |
simplybuilt |
sistrix |
sitemap |
skyatlas |
skype |
slack |
slack-hash |
sliders-h |
slideshare |
smile |
snapchat |
snapchat-ghost |
snapchat-square |
snowflake |
sort |
sort-alpha-down |
sort-alpha-up |
sort-amount-down |
sort-amount-up |
sort-down |
sort-numeric-down |
sort-numeric-up |
sort-up |
soundcloud |
space-shuttle |
speakap |
spinner |
spotify |
square |
square-full |
stack-exchange |
stack-overflow |
star |
star-half |
staylinked |
steam |
steam-square |
steam-symbol |
step-backward |
step-forward |
stethoscope |
sticker-mule |
sticky-note |
stop |
stop-circle |
stopwatch |
strava |
street-view |
strikethrough |
stripe |
stripe-s |
studiovinari |
stumbleupon |
stumbleupon-circle |
subscript |
subway |
suitcase |
sun |
superpowers |
superscript |
supple |
sync |
sync-alt |
table |
table-tennis |
tablet |
tablet-alt |
tachometer-alt |
tag |
tags |
tasks |
taxi |
telegram |
telegram-plane |
tencent-weibo |
terminal |
text-height |
text-width |
th |
th-large |
th-list |
themeisle |
thermometer-empty |
thermometer-full |
thermometer-half |
thermometer-quarter |
thermometer-three-quarters |
thumbs-down |
thumbs-up |
thumbtack |
ticket-alt |
times |
times-circle |
tint |
toggle-off |
toggle-on |
trademark |
train |
transgender |
transgender-alt |
trash |
trash-alt |
tree |
trello |
tripadvisor |
trophy |
truck |
tty |
tumblr |
tumblr-square |
tv |
twitch |
twitter-square |
typo3 |
uber |
uikit |
umbrella |
underline |
undo |
undo-alt |
uniregistry |
universal-access |
university |
unlink |
unlock |
unlock-alt |
untappd |
upload |
usb |
user |
user-circle |
user-md |
user-plus |
user-secret |
user-times |
users |
ussunnah |
utensil-spoon |
utensils |
vaadin |
venus |
venus-double |
venus-mars |
viacoin |
viadeo |
viadeo-square |
viber |
video |
vimeo |
vimeo-square |
vimeo-v |
vine |
vk |
vnv |
volleyball-ball |
volume-down |
volume-off |
volume-up |
vuejs |
weixin |
whatsapp-square |
wheelchair |
whmcs |
wifi |
wikipedia-w |
window-close |
window-maximize |
window-minimize |
window-restore |
windows |
won-sign |
wordpress |
wordpress-simple |
wpbeginner |
wpexplorer |
wpforms |
wrench |
xbox |
xing-square |
y-combinator |
yahoo |
yandex |
yandex-international |
yelp |
yen-sign |
yoast |
youtube |
youtube-square |
Trigger |
address-book |
address-card |
adjust |
alarm-clock |
align-center |
align-justify |
align-left |
align-right |
ambulance |
american-sign-language-interpreting |
anchor |
angle-double-down |
angle-double-left |
angle-double-right |
angle-double-up |
angle-down |
angle-left |
angle-right |
angle-up |
archive |
arrow-alt-circle-down |
arrow-alt-circle-left |
arrow-alt-circle-right |
arrow-alt-circle-up |
arrow-alt-down |
arrow-alt-from-bottom |
arrow-alt-from-left |
arrow-alt-from-right |
arrow-alt-from-top |
arrow-alt-left |
arrow-alt-right |
arrow-alt-square-down |
arrow-alt-square-left |
arrow-alt-square-right |
arrow-alt-square-up |
arrow-alt-to-bottom |
arrow-alt-to-left |
arrow-alt-to-right |
arrow-alt-to-top |
arrow-alt-up |
arrow-circle-down |
arrow-circle-left |
arrow-circle-right |
arrow-circle-up |
arrow-down |
arrow-from-bottom |
arrow-from-left |
arrow-from-right |
arrow-from-top |
arrow-left |
arrow-right |
arrow-square-down |
arrow-square-left |
arrow-square-right |
arrow-square-up |
arrow-to-bottom |
arrow-to-left |
arrow-to-right |
arrow-to-top |
arrow-up |
arrows |
arrows-alt |
arrows-alt-h |
arrows-alt-v |
arrows-h |
arrows-v |
assistive-listening-systems |
asterisk |
at |
audio-description |
backward |
badge |
badge-check |
balance-scale |
ban |
barcode |
bars |
baseball |
baseball-ball |
basketball-ball |
basketball-hoop |
bath |
battery-bolt |
battery-empty |
battery-full |
battery-half |
battery-quarter |
battery-slash |
battery-three-quarters |
bed |
beer |
bell |
bell-slash |
bicycle |
binoculars |
birthday-cake |
blind |
bold |
bolt |
bomb |
book |
bookmark |
bowling-ball |
bowling-pins |
boxing-glove |
braille |
briefcase |
browser |
bug |
building |
bullhorn |
bullseye |
bus |
calculator |
calendar |
calendar-alt |
calendar-check |
calendar-edit |
calendar-exclamation |
calendar-minus |
calendar-plus |
calendar-times |
camera |
camera-alt |
camera-retro |
car |
caret-circle-down |
caret-circle-left |
caret-circle-right |
caret-circle-up |
caret-down |
caret-left |
caret-right |
caret-square-down |
caret-square-left |
caret-square-right |
caret-square-up |
caret-up |
cart-arrow-down |
cart-plus |
certificate |
chart-area |
chart-bar |
chart-line |
chart-pie |
check |
check-circle |
check-square |
chess |
chess-bishop |
chess-bishop-alt |
chess-board |
chess-clock |
chess-clock-alt |
chess-king |
chess-king-alt |
chess-knight |
chess-knight-alt |
chess-pawn |
chess-pawn-alt |
chess-queen |
chess-queen-alt |
chess-rook |
chess-rook-alt |
chevron-circle-down |
chevron-circle-left |
chevron-circle-right |
chevron-circle-up |
chevron-double-down |
chevron-double-left |
chevron-double-right |
chevron-double-up |
chevron-down |
chevron-left |
chevron-right |
chevron-square-down |
chevron-square-left |
chevron-square-right |
chevron-square-up |
chevron-up |
child |
circle |
circle-notch |
clipboard |
clock |
clone |
closed-captioning |
cloud |
cloud-download |
cloud-download-alt |
cloud-upload |
cloud-upload-alt |
club |
code |
code-branch |
code-commit |
code-merge |
coffee |
cog |
cogs |
columns |
comment |
comment-alt |
comments |
compass |
compress |
compress-alt |
compress-wide |
copy |
copyright |
credit-card |
credit-card-blank |
credit-card-front |
cricket |
crop |
crosshairs |
cube |
cubes |
curling |
cut |
database |
deaf |
desktop |
desktop-alt |
diamond |
dollar-sign |
dot-circle |
download |
dumbbell |
edit |
eject |
ellipsis-h |
ellipsis-h-alt |
ellipsis-v |
ellipsis-v-alt |
envelope |
envelope-open |
envelope-square |
eraser |
euro-sign |
exchange |
exchange-alt |
exclamation |
exclamation-circle |
exclamation-square |
exclamation-triangle |
expand |
expand-alt |
expand-arrows |
expand-arrows-alt |
expand-wide |
external-link |
external-link-alt |
external-link-square |
external-link-square-alt |
eye |
eye-dropper |
eye-slash |
fast-backward |
fast-forward |
fax |
female |
field-hockey |
fighter-jet |
file |
file-alt |
file-archive |
file-audio |
file-check |
file-code |
file-edit |
file-excel |
file-exclamation |
file-image |
file-minus |
file-pdf |
file-plus |
file-powerpoint |
file-times |
file-video |
file-word |
film |
film-alt |
filter |
fire |
fire-extinguisher |
flag |
flag-checkered |
flask |
folder |
folder-open |
font |
football-ball |
football-helmet |
forward |
frown |
futbol |
gamepad |
gavel |
gem |
genderless |
gift |
glass-martini |
globe |
golf-ball |
golf-club |
graduation-cap |
h-square |
h1 |
h2 |
h3 |
hand-lizard |
hand-paper |
hand-peace |
hand-point-down |
hand-point-left |
hand-point-right |
hand-point-up |
hand-pointer |
hand-rock |
hand-scissors |
hand-spock |
handshake |
hashtag |
hdd |
heading |
headphones |
heart |
heartbeat |
hexagon |
history |
hockey-puck |
hockey-sticks |
home |
hospital |
hourglass |
hourglass-end |
hourglass-half |
hourglass-start |
i-cursor |
id-badge |
id-card |
image |
images |
inbox |
inbox-in |
inbox-out |
indent |
industry |
industry-alt |
info |
info-circle |
info-square |
italic |
jack-o-lantern |
key |
keyboard |
language |
laptop |
leaf |
lemon |
level-down |
level-down-alt |
level-up |
level-up-alt |
life-ring |
lightbulb |
link |
lira-sign |
list |
list-alt |
list-ol |
list-ul |
location-arrow |
lock |
lock-alt |
lock-open |
lock-open-alt |
long-arrow-alt-down |
long-arrow-alt-left |
long-arrow-alt-right |
long-arrow-alt-up |
long-arrow-down |
long-arrow-left |
long-arrow-right |
long-arrow-up |
low-vision |
luchador |
magic |
magnet |
male |
map |
map-marker |
map-marker-alt |
map-pin |
map-signs |
mars |
mars-double |
mars-stroke |
mars-stroke-h |
mars-stroke-v |
medkit |
meh |
mercury |
microchip |
microphone |
microphone-alt |
microphone-slash |
minus |
minus-circle |
minus-hexagon |
minus-octagon |
minus-square |
mobile |
mobile-alt |
mobile-android |
mobile-android-alt |
money-bill |
money-bill-alt |
moon |
motorcycle |
mouse-pointer |
music |
neuter |
newspaper |
object-group |
object-ungroup |
octagon |
outdent |
paint-brush |
paper-plane |
paperclip |
paragraph |
paste |
pause |
pause-circle |
paw |
pen |
pen-alt |
pen-square |
pencil |
pencil-alt |
pennant |
percent |
phone |
phone-slash |
phone-square |
phone-volume |
plane |
plane-alt |
play |
play-circle |
plug |
plus |
plus-circle |
plus-hexagon |
plus-octagon |
plus-square |
podcast |
poo |
portrait |
pound-sign |
power-off |
puzzle-piece |
qrcode |
question |
question-circle |
question-square |
quidditch |
quote-left |
quote-right |
racquet |
random |
rectangle-landscape |
rectangle-portrait |
rectangle-wide |
recycle |
redo |
redo-alt |
registered |
repeat |
repeat-1 |
repeat-1-alt |
repeat-alt |
reply |
reply-all |
retweet |
retweet-alt |
road |
rocket |
rss |
rss-square |
ruble-sign |
rupee-sign |
save |
scrubber |
search |
search-minus |
search-plus |
server |
share |
share-all |
share-alt |
share-alt-square |
share-square |
shekel-sign |
shield |
shield-alt |
shield-check |
ship |
shopping-bag |
shopping-basket |
shopping-cart |
shower |
shuttlecock |
-alt |
sign-language |
sign-out |
sign-out-alt |
signal |
sitemap |
sliders-h |
sliders-h-square |
sliders-v |
sliders-v-square |
smile |
snowflake |
sort |
sort-alpha-down |
sort-alpha-up |
sort-amount-down |
sort-amount-up |
sort-down |
sort-numeric-down |
sort-numeric-up |
sort-up |
space-shuttle |
spade |
spinner |
spinner-third |
square |
square-full |
star |
star-exclamation |
star-half |
step-backward |
step-forward |
stethoscope |
sticky-note |
stop |
stop-circle |
stopwatch |
street-view |
strikethrough |
subscript |
subway |
suitcase |
sun |
superscript |
sync |
sync-alt |
table |
table-tennis |
tablet |
tablet-alt |
tablet-android |
tablet-android-alt |
tachometer |
tachometer-alt |
tag |
tags |
tasks |
taxi |
tennis-ball |
terminal |
text-height |
text-width |
th |
th-large |
th-list |
thermometer-empty |
thermometer-full |
thermometer-half |
thermometer-quarter |
thermometer-three-quarters |
thumbs-down |
thumbs-up |
thumbtack |
ticket |
ticket-alt |
times |
times-circle |
times-hexagon |
times-octagon |
times-square |
tint |
toggle-off |
toggle-on |
trademark |
train |
transgender |
transgender-alt |
trash |
trash-alt |
tree |
tree-alt |
triangle |
trophy |
trophy-alt |
truck |
tty |
tv |
tv-retro |
umbrella |
underline |
undo |
undo-alt |
universal-access |
university |
unlink |
unlock |
unlock-alt |
upload |
usd-circle |
usd-square |
user |
user-alt |
user-circle |
user-md |
user-plus |
user-secret |
user-times |
users |
utensil-fork |
utensil-knife |
utensil-spoon |
utensils |
utensils-alt |
venus |
venus-double |
venus-mars |
video |
volleyball-ball |
volume-down |
volume-mute |
volume-off |
volume-up |
watch |
wheelchair |
whistle |
wifi |
window |
window-alt |
window-close |
window-maximize |
window-minimize |
window-restore |
won-sign |
wrench |
yen-sign |
Bootstrap 4, Font Awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro - Visual studio code plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Readme template for this plugin was initially borrowed from here & here