This library is built for a NodeMCU board (but could be easily adapted to other arduino boards) and allows you to use one or two MRFC522 RFID sensors as momentary switches.
See for pinouts if using other arduino boards.
D0 - Programming pin, momentary switch, pull down resistor
D1 - Status pin 1 (HIGH out if there's an RFID tag on the 1st sensor, LOW otherwise)
D2 - Status pin 2 (HIGH out if there's an RFID tag on the 2nd sensor, LOW otherwise)
D3 - SDA Pin 1st sensor
D4 - RST PIN - both sensors shared
D5 - SCK PIN - both sensors shared
D6 - MISO PIN - both sensors shared
D7 - MOSI PIN - both sensors shared
D8 - SDA Pin 2nd sensor
D0 - Press once to start programming, put RFID on eithe RFID reader. This reader is now configured to only activate on that tag. D0 - Press twice to reset all RFIDs and allow any RFID to work