Put the following into your initialization file:
(setq py-install-directory “PATH/TO/PYTHON-MODE/”) (add-to-list ‘load-path py-install-directory) (require ‘python-mode)
Customize default Python shell as `py-shell-name’
`py-shell-name’ might be an installed default executable as shell command `type’ would display, but also a PATH/TO/EXECUTABLE
If different flavours of Python are installed, in order to adress them customize var ‘py-known-shells’ and reload. python-mode will create the required commands according to contents of this list.
If needed, customize respective arguments py-SHELL-command-args, i.e.
py-python-command-args py-python3-command-args py-ipython-command-args
Commands related to a specific shell start with
This calls py-shell with its default arguments With C-u, shell will get an unique name.
According to contents of ‘py-known-shells’ commands might be available like this:
M-x py-shell RET ==> ”Python” M-x python RET ==> ”Python” M-x ipython RET ==> ”IPython” M-x python3 RET ==> ”Python3”
A shebang precedes default py-shell-name. In case you will run code by default-shell, ignoring shebang, set `py-force-py-shell-name-p’ to. This might be done also via menu Python/…/Switches
Run a local shell by evaluating
(defun MY-LOCAL-SHELL () (interactive) (py-shell nil DEDICATED PATH-TO-LOCAL-SHELL))
Most python-mode.el commands start with prefix `py-’
`M-x py- TAB’ displays a list of them in completion-buffer. See also commands list delivered in directory doc.
List virtualenv related `M-x virtualenv- TAB’ resp. Pymacs commands `M-x pymacs-’
Python code might be processed by an
- interactive Python shell (DEFAULT)
- non-interactive Python (`py-fast-process-p’) The latter, while design for large output, seems more reliable - see also PROBLEMS.org.
Both processes might run in
- session, i.e. start from possible previous state (DEFAULT)
- dedicated, (`py-dedicated-process-p’) run in separate process
There is also
- python-mode-v5-behavior
Access is provided to a couple of known checkers like Flake8, pep8, pylint Need to be installed for example calling “pip install pep8” from a shell command-line Get flycheck from https://www.flycheck.org
`py-execute-…’-commands arrive in buffer created by `py-shell’. It’s name is composed WRT to Python version used, it’s path etc.
Result of commands ending “-fast” arrives in `py-fast-output-buffer’
Variables in question:
** py-keep-windows-configuration
Default is nil. When non-nil, it takes precedence over `py-split-window-on-execute’ and `py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p’ settings
Useful, if a pre-designed set of python-shells/buffers should be maintained
** py-split-window-on-execute
When non-nil split windows according to value set.
Default is ‘just-two: when code is send to interpreter, split screen into source-code buffer and current py-shell result. Other buffers will be hidden that way.
When set to `t’, python-mode tries to reuse existing windows and will split only if needed.
With ‘always, results will displayed in a new window.
** py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p
Put focus into the output buffer: this will display buffer in any case
At the end of a word TAB by default calls completion.
Auto-completion should be available via
(require ‘auto-complete-config) (ac-config-default)
or for company:
(autoload ‘company-mode “company” nil t)
There is also a Pymacs based auto-completion mode see README-PYMACS.org
Either use Pymacs and `company-mode’ with `pycomplete.el’ etc. –load stuff from folder completion–
or switch `py-auto-completion-mode-p’ - which relies on `py-shell-complete’, i.e. calls the current Python process.
Extern tools like jedi-server/mode should work too.
Beside common moves like `defun’, `statement’, block called via py-end-of-…, py-beginning-… specific Python-mode edits are delivered:
`py-expression’ and `py-partial-expression’.
Statement below is considered composed of two `py-expression’
a = [‘spam’, ‘eggs’, 100, 1234]
_________________________ |
Assigment operator and all inside comments is ignored.
`py-partial-expression’ would match six sections
a = [‘spam’, ‘eggs’, 100, 1234]
_____ | _____ | __ | ___ | |||||
_____________________________ |
When traversing code, `py-partial-expression’ climbs down and up all levels encountered, i.e. at opening `[’ `py-expression’ would return [‘spam’, ‘eggs’, 100, 1234], while one char behind at `” it yields `’spam’,’
- py-sexp-function, When set, it’s value is called instead of `forward-sexp’, `backward-sexp Choices are py-partial-expression, py-expression, default nil
Customize boolean `py-set-fill-column-p’
If `t’, enables use Python specific `fill-column’ according to
`py-docstring-fill-column’, default is 72
and `py-comment-fill-column, default is 79
Comment- and docstring settings might be disabled by any non-integer value, which means: do not use a different value of `fill-column’ than emacs-wide
Start IPython shell after loading python-mode via M-x ipython, not from plain shell.
Executing code through IPython should work as with regular Python, also getting completions from. However, with IPython, it feels a demi-second slower.
Start with Emacs -Q from the directory where python-mode.el lives. Open python-mode.el and evaluate it.
Open a file with ending “.py”.
M-x python RET
a regular Python-shell should appear
M-x IPython RET
an IPython-shell should be opened
** pdb doesn’t work at Windows Richard Stanton commented:
Running M-x pdb doesn’t work on my Windows machine, primarily because Windows (at least using the default shell) doesn’t automatically know what to do when you give it a .py command at the command line.
For example, here’s the suggested command when I run pdb on a file c:\projects/run.py:
c:/python27/Lib/pdb.py run.py
If I accept this, I get an error “Spawning child process: Invalid argument”
A work-around to get it to work is to replace the suggested command with
c:\python27\python -i c:/python27/Lib/pdb.py c:/projects/run.py
(note that I not only have to add the python command, but also fully qualify the script file, since otherwise it complains it can’t find the file).