Set-up for latest version:
- Download Minecraft Forge v1180 src.
- Create new forge1180 folder, extract zip to it.
- Run "gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace" on command line, wait for "Build Successful".
- Run "gradlew.bat eclipse" on command line, wait for "Build Successful".
- Open eclipse using forge1180/eclipse as workspace.
- Window > Show view > Other > Git > Git Repositories.
- Clone a Git repository.
- Paste SSH address and change protocol to SSH, press next.
- Master should be ticked, press next.
- Change directory, tick 'import all existing projects after clone finishes', press finish.
- Add Blockbender project to classpath of both server and client run configurations.
Command Line help:
dir -> list folders
cd folder -> change to folder
cd fol* -> change to folder (use for folders with long names)
cd .. -> go up one level
press tab to autocomplete names