Repository for Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data course
This repository includes two files pertaining to the course project: run_analysis.R and
run_analysis.R includes all code needed to produce the tidy data set as specified for this project. The script performs the following steps:
- Sets the working directory, loads packages and reads in the required data files using read.table
- Combines the training and test sets to create one data set using rbind, puts the subject id numbers and activity id numbers together with the measurement data using bind_cols, and assigns column names from the features file.
- Removes duplicate column names and keeps only those columns with "mean(" or "std(" in the column name (in addition to the subject and activity id numbers).
- Merges the activity labels with the data set so that descriptive activity names are used instead of id numbers.
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names using rename and gsub.
- Transforms the data set to a long format with the following variable names: Subject, Activity, Measurement, AverageValue. The AverageValue is the mean of all measurements of the same type for the same subject and activity.
- Writes the data set to a .txt file. describes the resulting dataset and the variables included.