By: Imelda Suen, Rachel Zhao, and Joshua Zhou
CPSC312 2017W1 Project 1.
This is an implementation of minesweeper in prolog. See
All code is in the file. Put it in the directory of your choice, then either:
1: In command line, type ./swipl
2: Open the file with SWI-PL, then type main.
The game will then prompt you to input game parameters.
Welcome to minesweeper!
Choose your board by inputting the corresponding number.
All classic games start with 1 life.
1. Classic Beginner (9x9)
2. Classic Intermediate (16x16)
3. Classic Expert (16x30)
4. Make my own!
If you choose to make your own, you will be able to input your own game parameters. The game will restart if the parameters inputted are invalid.
Number of rows: (max 99) |: 10.
Number of columns: (max 50) |: 10.
Number of mines: |: 10.
Number of lives: |:
Afterwards, the game state and the board will be printed, and you will be asked to make a move, by inputting the row and column of the cell you want to reveal.
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1 | . . . . . . . . . . | 1
2 | . . . . . . . . . . | 2
3 | . . . . . . . . . . | 3
4 | . . . . . . . . . . | 4
5 | . . . . . . . . . . | 5
6 | . . . . . . . . . . | 6
7 | . . . . . . . . . . | 7
8 | . . . . . . . . . . | 8
9 | . . . . . . . . . . | 9
10 | . . . . . . . . . . | 10
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Make your next move!
Row of cell to reveal: |: 1.
Column of cell to reveal: |:
If the cell you reveal does not contain a mine, a number corresponding to the number of adjacent mines is revealed. If you reveal a square with 0 adjacent mines, the empty squares in contact with the zero square will be revealed then propagate recursively.
If you reveal a mine, you will lose a life. If you are not out of lives, the remaining mines will be shuffled randomly in all unrevealed cells and revealed cells will be updated accordingly.
The game continues until either all non-mine squares have been revealed, or you have revealed a mine and are out of lives. At that point the game will terminate. To play again, you must start over from the beginning of the instructions.
Selecting cells to put mines in is done randomly using the randselect/3
command - which randomly takes N elements from a list, removes them, and returns the removed elements.
This is done so we ensure all mines are unique.
The gameboard and the revealed cells are each represented by a 2D matrix.
and list_ref_2d/4
are the accessors and mutators for these boards.
One can 'reveal' a cell by setting the 'revealed' board at (row,col) to be 1.
When printing the board, the cell at (row,col) on the game board and the revealed board are both checked.
If the revealed board is 1, then the symbol on the game board is printed. If revealed is not 1, then a "." is printed.
Life system: When revealing a mine and a player has >1 life, all unrevealed squares are shuffled, and a life is lost
This is handled by the next_steps/7
The general algorithm is:
- Revert the last move (by using the
parameter and not theUpdatedRevealedGameBoard
parameter) - Enumerate all unrevealed cells. (I.e. give each cell a corresponding integer, i.e. a cell at position (Row,Col) on a NrowxNcol board will be represeted by the integer (Row*Ncol) + Col.
This can be done using the
predicate. - Randomly select
cells from the above enumerated list. - Use
, andcount_adjacent/5
to create the new gameboard with the new mine locations - Call
again, with lives-1.