Final project for PSY6422
Hello, you! This is the repository for a data visualisation project for one of my university modules.
This project uses publically availabe data from the NHS on dementia diagnosis rates. Please check:
\attic - contains code that I used to experiment different types of visualisation and code that I found interesting but did not include in the final project.
\gonzalezmartinez_final_project_files - created by github to store some of the visualisations I developed. Not really a folder of much use.
\images - contains an image which goes into the markdown page
\raw data - contains data sets downloaded from the NHS and a data dictionary
.RData - R Workspace file generated by R Studio
.Rhistory - RHISTORY file generated by R Studio
.gitattributes - text file automatically generated by github
.gitignore - text file automatically generated by github - this file
gonzalezmartinez_final_project.Rmd - RStudio markdown file with code ofr this project - VERY IMPORTANT
gonzalezmartinez_final_project.Rproj - R Project file generated by Rstudio
gonzalezmartinez_final_project.html - knitted file, the data visualisation project - VERY IMPORTANT
If you download this project as a zip folder, extract the folder from the zip package and save it locally. Otherwise, you will have issues running the code in the 'gonzalezmartinez_final_project.Rmd' file.