Snippets relating the carpentries curriculum
# Data Carpentry for Ecologists - Day2 prep
# Load 'dirty' data
surveys <- read_csv("data/portal_data_joined.csv")
# ----------------- Cleaning of data -----------------
## Remove missing data
surveys_complete <- surveys %>%
filter(!, # remove missing weight
!, # remove missing hindfoot_length
! # remove missing sex
## Extract the most common species_id
species_counts <- surveys_complete %>%
count(species_id) %>%
filter(n >= 50)
## Only keep the most common species
surveys_complete <- surveys_complete %>%
filter(species_id %in% species_counts$species_id)
## Export cleaned data
write_csv(surveys_complete, path = "data_output/surveys_complete.csv")
# --------------- Start of day 2 ---------------
# Load cleaned data
surveys_complete <- read_csv("data_output/surveys_complete.csv")
The full git lesson can be found here: