The unofficial GraphQL API for Metacritic
All queries need to be directed to
You can mess around with the API here to get a feel for things.
If you do not want to use the playground above, I recommend using something like Altair
Documentation can be found here
Here is what an example request would look like.
What if I wanted to get all the available information the API provides about Resident Evil 2 (2019) for the PlayStation 4? This is what it would look like
query {
game(input: {
title: "Resident Evil 2",
platform: "PlayStation 4"
}) {
the above request will return this response
"data": {
"game": {
"url": "",
"title": "Resident Evil 2",
"platform": "PlayStation 4",
"criticScore": 91,
"releaseDate": "Jan 25, 2019",
"developer": "Capcom R&D Division 1",
"publisher": [
"genres": [
"Action Adventure",
"numOfCriticReviews": 85,
"numOfPositiveCriticReviews": 84,
"numOfMixedCriticReviews": 1,
"numOfNegativeCriticReviews": 0,
"productImage": ""
Features to be added down the road
Adding actual types to the repoAdding enums to make console searches easier- Adding more fields to each of the main entities
- Adding a search capability
Why is the first request slow?
If it's the first time a particular product is being requested, it will go to Metacritic to get the information, which is why it's slow. However, after the first request is done, any subsequent request will be significantly faster.
When will the new features be implemented?
I will hope to add new stuff in the year of 2020 barring there isn't a swarm of issues once release happens
Feel free to make a new issue in the issues tab of the repository. I will try my best to be as responsive as possible.
Feel free to submit a PR if you think you have a good contribution to the API! Whether it be a new feature or a bug fix, any help is highly appreciated.
If you would like to show your support or help server costs, feel free to donate to me here.