A BoardGameArena implementation for Texas 42.
Game information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42_(dominoes)
When writing code, please autoformat using the
For PHP, you will need to locally download/install php and PHP-CS-Fixer.
After installation, go into the settings for atom-beautify (command pallet
(Ctrl+Shift+P) -> Settings -> Packages -> atom-beautify -> Settings) and under
PHP, switch "Allow risky rules" to "yes", and under "PHP-CS-Fixer Config File",
point it to the .php-cs-fixer.php file in the base directory of this project
(sdspikes: I give it an absolute path, I couldn't figure out how to do a
relative one, nor did using the naming it suggested work for me. I used this
name because when I run php-cs-fixer on the command line it wants it to be
, so I figured that was a better default). You may or may
not want to turn on "Beautify on Save".
For Javascript this works without any special configuration, though you may want to turn on Beautify on Save.
You may also want to run PHPStan for static analysis: type checking and more.
See misc/phpstan.neon
for details