- Android minimum SDK 16
// project gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
// module gradle file
dependencies {
implementation 'com.android.support:design:27.1.1'
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5'
implementation 'com.android.volley:volley:1.0.0'
implementation 'com.github.checkout:frames-android:v2.0.1'
You can find more about the installation here
Please keep in mind that the Jitpack repository should to be added to the project gradle file while the dependency should be added in the module gradle file. (see more about gradle files)
Step1 Add the module to your XML layout.
Step2 Include the module in your class.
private PaymentForm mPaymentForm; // include the payment form
private CheckoutAPIClient mCheckoutAPIClient; // include the API client
Step3 Create a callback for when the Payment form is submitted.
OnSubmitForm mSubmitListener = new OnSubmitForm() {
public void onSubmit(CardTokenisationRequest request) {
mCheckoutAPIClient.generateToken(request); // send the request to generate the token
Step4 Create a callback for the tokenisation request
CheckoutAPIClient.OnTokenGenerated mTokenListener = new CheckoutAPIClient.OnTokenGenerated() {
public void onTokenGenerated(CardTokenisationResponse token) {
// your token
public void onError(CardTokenisationFail error) {
// your error
Step5 Initialise the module
// initialise the payment from
mPaymentForm = findViewById(R.id.checkout_card_form);
mPaymentForm.setSubmitListener(mSubmitListener); // set the callback for the form submission
// initialise the api client
mCheckoutAPIClient = new CheckoutAPIClient(
this, // context
"pk_XXXXX", // your public key
mCheckoutAPIClient.setTokenListener(mTokenListener); // set the callback for tokenisation
Step1 Include the module in your class.
private CheckoutAPIClient mCheckoutAPIClient; // include the module
Step2 Create a callback.
CheckoutAPIClient.OnTokenGenerated mTokenListener = new CheckoutAPIClient.OnTokenGenerated() {
public void onTokenGenerated(CardTokenisationResponse token) {
// your token
public void onError(CardTokenisationFail error) {
// your error
Step3 Initialise the module and pass the card details.
mCheckoutAPIClient = new CheckoutAPIClient(
this, // context
"pk_XXXXX", // your public key
Environment.SANDBOX // the environment
mCheckoutAPIClient.setTokenListener(mTokenListener); // pass the callback
// Pass the paylod and generate the token
new CardTokenisationRequest(
new BillingModel(
"address line 1",
"address line 2",
new PhoneModel(
The module extends a Frame Layout so you can use XML attributes like:
Moreover, the module inherits the Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar style so if you want to customise the look of the payment form you can define you own style and theme the module with it:
<style name="YourCustomTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">#000000</item>
<item name="colorAccent">#000000</item>
<item name="colorButtonNormal">#000000</item>
<item name="colorControlNormal">#000000</item>
If you would like to allow users to input their billing details when completing the payment details you can simply use the folllowing method:
mPaymentForm.includeBilling(true); // false value will hide the option
If you want to display only certain accepted card types you can select then in the following way:
mPaymentForm.setAcceptedCard(new Cards[]{VISA, MASTERCARD});
The module allows you to handle 3DSecure URLs within your mobile app. Here are the steps:
When you send a 3D secure charge request from your server you will get back a 3D Secure URL. You can then pass the 3D Secure URL to the module, to handle the verification.
Step1 Create a callback.
PaymentForm.On3DSFinished m3DSecureListener =
new PaymentForm.On3DSFinished() {
public void onSuccess(String token) {
// success
public void onError(String errorMessage) {
// fail
Step2 Pass the callback to the module and handle 3D Secure
mPaymentForm = findViewById(R.id.checkout_card_form);
mPaymentForm.set3DSListener(m3DSecureListener); // pass the callback
"https://sandbox.checkout.com/api2/v2/3ds/acs/687805", // the 3D Secure URL
"http://example.com/success", // the Redirection URL
"http://example.com/fail" // the Redirection Fail URL
Keep in mind that the Redirection and Redirection Fail URLs are set in the Checkout Hub, but they can be overwritten in the charge request sent from your server. Keep in mind to provide the correct URLs to ensure a successful interaction.
The module allows you to handle a Google Pay token payload and retrieve a token, that can be used to create a charge from your backend.
Step1 Create a callback.
CheckoutAPIClient.OnGooglePayTokenGenerated mGooglePayListener =
new CheckoutAPIClient.OnGooglePayTokenGenerated() {
public void onTokenGenerated(GooglePayTokenisationResponse response) {
// success
public void onError(GooglePayTokenisationFail error) {
// fail
Step2 Pass the callback to the module and generate the token
mCheckoutAPIClient = new CheckoutAPIClient(
context, // activity context
"pk_XXXXX", // your public key
Environment.SANDBOX // the environment
mCheckoutAPIClient.setGooglePayListener(mGooglePayListener); // pass the callback
mCheckoutAPIClient.generateGooglePayToken(payload); // the payload is the JSON string generated by GooglePay
When deling with actions like generating a card token the callback will include the following objects.
For success -> CardTokenisationResponse
This has the following getters:
response.getId(); // the card token
response.getLiveMode(); // environment mode
response.getCreated(); // timestamp of creation
response.getUsed(); // show usage
response.getCard(); // card object containing card information and billing details
For error -> CardTokenisationResponse
This has the following getters:
error.getEventId(); // a unique identifier for the event
error.getMessage(); // the error message
error.getErrorCode(); // the error code
error.getErrorMessageCodes(); // an array or strings with all error codes
error.getErrors(); // an array or strings with all error messages
When deling with actions like generating a token for a Google Pay payload the callback will include the following objects.
For success -> GooglePayTokenisationResponse
This has the following getters:
response.getToken(); // the token
response.getExpiration(); // the token exiration
response.getType(); // the token type
For error -> GooglePayTokenisationFail
This has the following getters:
error.getRequestId(); // a unique identifier for the request
error.getErrorType(); // the error type
error.getErrorCodes(); // an array of strings with all the error codes
frames-android is released under the MIT license.