A PSR-15 "Action Domain Responder" middleware that dispatches to actions resolved by Action Resolver.
Actions are dispatched using an Invoker, such as the one provided by PHP-DI.
Actions should resolve to an instance of IdNet\Action
the input, domain, and responder have been set.
The dispatcher will use the provided implementation of
to invoke the callables.
'action.example' => object(Action::class)
->method('domain', YourDomainClass::class),
'input.default' => get(YourDefaultInput::class),
'responder.default' => get(YourDefaultResonder::class),]
'another.action' => object(Action::class)
->method('input', OverrideInputClass::class)
->method('domain', AnotherDomain::class)
->method('responder', CustomResponder::class),