Visit out website at
- Install nodejs and npm
- Install project dependencies:
npm install
Run ganache-cli (do it in a separate bash session). You will need this one before you start testing.
npm run ganache-cli
(in the first case you will get predefined set of accounts suitable for the all test case)
npm run compile
!NOTE: find const wallet = "YOUR WALLET ADDRESS GOES HERE";
in the ./migrations/6_CrowdSale.js
file, and set an address from the list that ganache generated for us. Otherwise tests will not run.
npm run test
npm run coverage
Solidity v0.4.19
Truffle v4.0.6
Ganache CLI v6.1.0-beta.0
OpenZeppelin 1.3.0
solidity-coverage 0.2.5
Solium linter 1.0.0 BETA
solcheck linter 0.1.3