complie envrionment:gcc-8 -std=c++17
119.cpp add a basic example for how meta programming work and transfer integer sequence to array
449.cpp add some functions to do similar operations as vector does
486.cpp a toy example for functional programming reducing a list
561.cpp make two compiler time sorting algorithm:one is bubble sort and another is quick sort
566.cpp make a implementation of static matrix structure and reshape the matrix,print members of matrix
765.cpp reduce operation and find and swap operation
766.cpp fold expression for deciding if the numbers are equal and usage of Matrix templates
832.cpp flip and Invert a 0-1 matrix using templates
867.cpp transpose a matrix
995.cpp add push head tail cat methods for integer sequence to help inplementing of algorithm
1004.cpp an example of double pointer class algorithm
1052.cpp using head tail to write a short algorithm
1438.cpp double pointer algorithm,similar to 1004