DRAFT v. 0.1
MetCoOp WG Backend has been established to design unified interfaces to each institutes’ data.
The group has two ultimate goals:
- Every institute has opportunity to use each other’s data as an operational backup and as part of forecast workflow
- Every institute’s open data is shared in unified format via unified interfaces
- All designed interfaces should be based on some existing commonly used standard (e.g. OGC, WIS, INSPIRE, OpenWeather, etc.).
Before taking a new task, group will ensure that necessary pre-requirements are fulfilled:
- There is a identified need and use case for the service
- Each institute have resources to implement the service
Group has identified following scope of services where standardisation would be beneficial:
- warnings (CAP)
- Time series (observations and forecasts)
- WMS (images)
- Gridded data
So far following use cases are envisioned
- Sharing open data (warnings, time series, WMS, gridded data)
- Common archive
- Disseminating HPC data
- Forecaster workstation backends