Releases: hartwigmedical/hmftools
Releases · hartwigmedical/hmftools
virus-interpreter v1.7-rc.2
- Re-trigger failed docker image build
virus-interpreter v1.7-rc.1
- uses BamMetrics summary file
v-chord v1.0
Initial release
sage v4.0-rc.1
- Round consensus BQ to canonical quals and 1
- Increase min mapping quality for BQR from 10 to 50, and change AD/AF site thresholds
- Handle contexts with 0 identified errors
- BQR by consensus type
- Update error rate calculation to be robust to different qual distributions per-base
Read context & evidence counting
- New read context algorithm
- Changes to read context annotation
- New read counting conventions
- Approximate ref matching logic for long inserts
- Allow SNV/MNV support in soft-clips
- Fragment sync prefers aligned over non-aligned base quals
Qual model
- Qual filter dynamically scales with depth and splits map and base qual tests
- Explicit germline mode which incorporates empirical VAF implausibility into model
- Novel indel qual is conditionally boosted
- Changes to high depth mode
- Modify edge penalty more in line with realised error rates, and facilitates partial core qual contribution
- Use min base qual rather than mean base qual for MNVs
- Indel qual for MSI repeats is based on microsatellite empirical qual
- Jitter penalty model is overhauled
- MED based on distance to soft clip instead of distance to end of read
- MED uses max per-read edge distance for fragments with overlap
- MED uses max edge distance across depth-supporting reads, not just ref
- MAX_READ_EDGE_DISTANCE_PERC split between panel and non-panel regions
- Fix dedupMnv bug
- Filter if ALT average fragment length << REF average fragment length
- Filter if portion of realigned read support for short indel is unusually high
- Filter at candidate phase if only one distinct fragment provides support
- Min fragment coordinate check is stepped and applies all the time
- Tumor VAF filter now uses recalibrated qual
- msi jitter files mandatory unless 'skip_msi_jitter' specified. Uses BAM path if 'jitter_param_dir' isn't specified
redux v1.0-rc.1
- write MSI jitter files for Sage
- unmap secondaries and drop from BAM
- use median base qual from selected consensus base
- no dual fragment marking if not duplex UMIs
- drop supplementaries with alignment score < 30 (BWA default)
- handle hard-clipped reads
- minor memory and performance optimisations
-unmap read in unmap region if map becomes unmapped and vice versa
- rare repeated writing of supplementaries
purple v4.1-rc.1
- biallelic model changes
- somatic readjustment model in tumor+reference mode
- updated rules for somatic fit and no-tumor classification in tumor-only mode
- restrict somatic variant plotting to target regions only when enabled
- germline chromosomal aberrations support TRISOMY_9P and TERTRASOMY_9P
- SV recovery removed
- disable whole genome dup check for tumor-only non-normal fits
- removed VAF bounds check on hotspots for somatic fitting
- remove indel repeat count from TSG reportability check
- VAF 2% filter for tumor and MSI load
- tumor-only and targeted fits ignore diploid status, no reversion from deleted genes
- VAF threshold 35% to use non-hotspot variant in tumor-only fit
- revert germline adjusted CN change to JCN if not fitted region match found
- fixed germline deletion exon boundaries
- compatible with Esvee
- removed HRD output from standard run
- calculate target region coding base total using Ensembl instead of CODING tag from BED file
- write empty files on empty/invalid inputs
- germline deletion avoid use of next region's min start
pave v1.7-rc.1
- allow reporting of indels in repeats of length > 7
- changes to PON filtering rules based on hotspot status, Gnomad, VAF and PON sample counts
- changed impact canonical gene name variable to gene name
- germline to skip gnomad filter use config 'gnomad_no_filter'
PON Building
- PON builder uses 40 for default qual cut-off
- remove Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic variants from 37 & 38 PONs
orange v3.7.1-rc.1
- add presence of tumor stats to quality control page and to orange-datamodel
- ensure only exonic variants that are phased with reported variants are shown in 'potentially interesting' section
- add potentially interesting chromosomal rearrangements (1q trisomy and 1p19q co-deletion) to report
- derive breakend fields type, chromosome, chromosomeBand, orientation and junctionCopyNumber from root sources
- use BamMetrics summary and flagstat data
linx v2.0 release candidate 1
- write inexact homology to germline disruption file
- germline report DELs and DUPs in complex clusters if < 3M in length
- use JCN as last factor in in fusion priority
- compatible with Esvee, does not support Gridss
- visualiser: set white background for chr band and fusions
- visualiser: limit plot SV count to 2K, can override with 'max_plot_svs', zero allows any count
health-checker v3.6-rc.1
- uses BamMetrics summary file and flagstats