This is course project for ELEC 3300 (Introduction to Embedded System).
The project is a prototype of the smart google glass.
- MCU (STM32F103VETx)
- OLED screen (ssd1306)
- Wifi Module (esp8266)
- Camera (ov7725)
- GPS module (NEO-6M)
- Motion tracking device (MPU6050)
- Temperature & humidity (DHT11)
- SD card
- Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
- Real-time information on the display about latitude and longitude, current and future weather, temperature and humidity, acceleration, orientation and sweat concentration on lcd
- Buzzer when the user does not drive safely (high acceleration)
- Capture image and save to the SD card
Click on the following image
We use HAL library and Keil for IDE
Make sure the following packs are available in case Keil IDE is used
- Keil::ARM_Compiler
- Keil::MDK-Middleware
- Keil::STM32F1xx_DFP
Open Keil editor. Project -> Open project and select USART.uvprojx under Project/RVMDK directory.